Samsung rilis peralatan dapur dengan teknologi IoT

Samsung Electronics America hari ini mengumumkan ketersediaan Samsung Flex Duo Slide-in Range dengan Dual Door dan konektivitas Wi-Fi, perangkat pintar baru yang menggabungkan teknologi canggih dengan fungsi yang fleksibel untuk membuat kegiatan memasak makanan menjadi lebih mudah, lebih cepat dan lebih menyenangkan.

"Konsumen bisa memasak dan menghibur diri di rumah mereka sekarang lebih leluasa dari sebelumnya, dan mereka ingin inovasi yang dirancang dengan indah yang memperkaya pengalaman itu." kata John Herrington, Wakil Presiden Senior, General Manager Home Appliance di Samsung. "Samsung Wi-Fi Range merepresentasikan kenyamanan dan kinerja memasak modern yang terbaru."

Samsung Flex Duo Slide-in Range dengan Dual Door memberikan kebebasan memasak di rumah untuk mengontrol waktu dan suhu waktu memasak tanpa harus tinggal di dapur. Memanfaatkan kemampuan Internet of Things (IoT), perangkat ini memungkinkan Anda untuk memantau kompor dan fungsi oven dari jarak jauh melalui aplikasi sederhana pada smartphone Anda. Anda dapat memanaskan dan menyesuaikan suhu oven, mengatur timer, menerima pemberitahuan secara real-time pada suhu oven dan menghidupkan serta mematikan oven - semua dari smartphone Anda. Perangkat ini bahkan bisa memberitahu Anda jika Anda meninggalkan pembakaran. Dan dengan versi listrik dari range ini, Anda bahkan dapat menghidupkan oven Anda dari jarak jauh.

Smart Range ini menggabungkan dua inovasi desain oven terbaru Samsung - teknologi Flex Duo dan Soft Close Dual Door - untuk memperluas cakrawala memasak bagi konsumen. Flex Duo memberikan fleksibilitas yang paling mendalam melalui beberapa konfigurasi oven.

Konsumen dapat dengan mudah menggunakan kompartemen oven tunggal tradisional, atau memisahkan ruang menjadi dua kompartemen yang berbeda (2.4 cu ft di atas; 3.3 cu ft di bagian bawah.) melalui Samsung Smart Divider. Ketika Smart Divider sedang digunakan, zona memasak atas dan bawah dapat digunakan untuk memasak dua masakan yang berbeda secara bersamaan, menggunakan pengaturan suhu dan waktu yang berbeda, dengan tidak ada percampuran yang terlihat dari aroma atau rasa antara keduanya.

Smart Range ini juga memungkinkan Anda untuk menghemat energi dengan hanya menggunakan hanya satu zona untuk makanan kecil. Dan memasak tanpa Smart Divider memberikan ruang Anda untuk memasak makanan yang besar atau dalam jumlah banyak.

Samsung Flex Duo Slide-in Range dengan Dual Door Wi-Fi, Slide-in Range dengan Soft Close Dual Door tersedia sekarang baik untuk versi listrik (model: NE58K9850WS) dan gas (model: NX58K9850SS) di toko-toko besar dan secara online di untuk harga ritel $2.999 atau sekitar 40 juta rupiah (listrik) dan $3.299 atau sekitar 44 juta rupiah (gas). Perangkat ini juga akan tersedia dalam warna Stainless tradisional dan desain baru Black Stainless.

Samsung’s New Wi-Fi Range Brings New Era of Connectivity and Convenience to the Kitchen

Meaningful innovations driven by consumer insights put Samsung at the forefront for home cooks who demand precision, performance and premium designs

RIDGEFIELD PARK, N.J.--(May 05, 2016)--Samsung Electronics America, Inc., a leader in home appliance innovations, today announced the availability of the Samsung Flex Duo™ Slide-in Range with Dual Door and Wi-Fi Connectivity, a new smart range that combines advanced technology with flexible functionality to make meal preparation easier, faster and more enjoyable.

“Consumers are cooking and entertaining in their homes now more than ever, and they want beautifully designed innovations that enrich that experience.” said John Herrington, Senior Vice President, General Manager of Home Appliance at Samsung. “The Samsung Wi-Fi Range represents the very latest in modern cooking convenience and performance.”

Award-Winning Connectivity and Flexibility

The Samsung Flex Duo ™ Slide-in Range with Dual Door™ gives home cooks the freedom to control their meal prep times and temperatures without having to stay in the kitchen. Leveraging Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities, the range lets you remotely monitor the cooktop and oven functions on your smartphone using a simple app. You can preheat and adjust oven cooking temperatures, set a timer, receive real-time alerts on oven temperatures and turn the oven off – all from your smartphone. It can even tell you if you left your burners on. And with the electric version of the range, you can even turn your oven on remotely.

This WiFi Range incorporates two of Samsung’s most recent oven design innovations – Flex Duo™ technology and Soft Close Dual Door -- to further expand the cooking horizon for consumers. Flex Duo™ gives home cooks the ultimate in cooking flexibility through multiple oven configurations.

Consumers can easily use the traditional single oven compartment, or separate the space into two distinct compartments (2.4 cu. ft. on top; 3.3 cu. ft. on bottom) with Samsung’s inventive Smart Divider. When the Smart Divider is in use, the upper and lower cooking zones can be used to cook two different dishes simultaneously, using different temperature and time settings, with no noticeable transfer of aroma or taste between the two.

The range also allows you to save energy by simply using just one zone for smaller meals. And cooking without the Smart Divider gives you room to cook larger items, which is perfect for that 20 lb. holiday turkey.

The range features a Soft Close Dual Door, engineered with a hinge in the middle so consumers can open just the top compartment or pull down the full door. Its center hinge maximizes cooking efficiency, saves energy and prevents heat loss by giving you the option of just opening the top compartment when that’s all you need. And it closes quietly to prevent door slams.

Cooking Convenience Wrapped in a Premium Package

The cooktop is controlled by easy-grip metallic knobs softly backlit with ice blue LED lights, making it clear from even across the room if a burner is on. The Guiding Light Controls, built into a sleek glass touch panel on the front of the range, offer simple, step-by-step instructions for selecting and using options like oven temperature and time settings by zone, programmed recipes and cleaning settings.

For those cooks looking for precise control and optimum power, the gas version of the range comes complete with a 22K BTU burner that delivers fast, even heating.

The Samsung Flex Duo™ Slide-in Range with Dual Door creates a strong design statement as the cooking centerpiece of the kitchen, with premium finish options, modern dual door, widescreen display panel and quick-clean black ceramic glass cooktop. And its slide-in design in the standard size means it can easily replace an existing range, sliding between cabinets to create a custom built-in look to complete your kitchen.

Samsung’s Flex Duo™ Slide-in Range with Dual Door Wi-Fi Slide-in Range with Soft Close Dual Door™ is available now in both electric (model: NE58K9850WS) and gas (model: NX58K9850SS) versions at major appliance retailers nationwide and online at for a suggested retail price of $2,999.00 (electric) and $3,299 (gas). It will also be available in a traditional Stainless finish and the new Black Stainless design.
