Samsung Electronics America hari ini mengumumkan bahwa mereka telah menerima tiga penghargaan di InfoComm 2015, acara tahunan untuk profesional audiovisual dan industri komunikasi informasi, yang diadakan 17-19 Juni di Orlando, Florida. Samsung mendapat penghargaan atas kepemimpinannya dalam teknologi layar komersial dan solusi terintegrasi, dan mendapatkan NewBay Media Best dari InfoComm Award, Rental & Staging Systems Award dan rAVe Publications Readers’ Choice Award.
"Samsung merasa bangga telah diakui oleh rekan-rekan industri kami untuk upaya kami untuk terus dalam mendorong maju pertumbuhan dan inovasi dalam signage digital," kata Ronald Gazzola, Wakil Presiden Pemasaran, Samsung Business, Samsung Electronics America. "Kami berfokus pada memungkinkan bisnis untuk membuat keterlibatan dan interaksi yang berarti, baik di dalam dan diluar ruangan, dan mencapai pengalaman pelanggan tingkat berikutnya dengan pengenalan produk signage LED indoor dan outdoor baru dan berbagai layar SMART."
Digital Signage Magazine Best of InfoComm Award
NewBay Media’s Best of Show Awards honored outstanding products exhibited at InfoComm 2015. Winners were selected by a panel of professional users and editors based on information provided during a nomination process, as well as judges’ inspection at the show. Awarded Best of Show by Digital Signage Magazine, Samsung’s new SMART LED Signage delivers impressive image quality that can truly inspire viewers anytime, anywhere.
rAVe Publications Readers’ Choice Award and Top 10 Tour
rAVe Publications fourth annual Readers’ Choice Awards honored the best of the best in across the AV industry. Readers voted and awarded Samsung as Favorite Display Manufacturer. Designed for businesses to deliver a premium signage solution, the Samsung’s OHD Series was also recognized by rAVe Publications on their 2015 InfoComm Top 10 Tour Guide.
Rental & Staging Systems Award
Designed to showcase the most innovative new commercial AV products, NewBay Media’s Rental & Staging Systems awards honored new products introduced between June 2014 and March 2015. The Samsung SMART Signage TV, named Best Digital Signage Display with Integrated Media Player, combines the functionality of a TV with built-in content management software to create personalized promotional content that can increase sales and improve customer loyalty and retention.
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