Hari ini, di CeBIT di Hanover, Jerman, dua konsorsium Internet of Things (IoT) terbesar mengumumkan rencana untuk bekerja sama. Perjanjian kerjasama strategis antara EEBus Initiative e.V. (EEBus) dan Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC) memungkinkan dua organisasi untuk berkolaborasi pada pengembangan spesifikasi dan sertifikasi program, membantu meningkatkan interoperabilitas dan kemudahan penggunaan, dan meminimalkan duplikasi usaha dan fragmentasi. Hasilnya akan membantu mempercepat visi IoT menjadi kenyataan.
EEBus didedikasikan untuk mendefinisikan solusi end-to-end untuk smart grid dan smart home yang akan meningkatkan efisiensi, perlindungan lingkungan, kenyamanan dan keamanan pasokan energi dan manajemen Smart Home yang terkait. Framework konektivitas OIC menyederhanakan cara pengembang aplikasi dan produsen perangkat untuk mengelola common task untuk penemuan dan konektivitas dari lebih banyak transportasi yang berbeda termasuk Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, ZWave. Kerjasama ini berarti kedua kelompok akan mereferensikan atau repurpose pekerjaan yang telah dilakukan dalam organisasi lain; sambil menyelaraskan roadmap masa depan.
"Hubungan ini menandai lompatan raksasa ke depan dalam memberikan interoperabilitas untuk Internet of Things. Kombinasi unik OIC untuk pengembangan standar dengan proyek open source IoTivity terkait adalah pendekatan yang tepat untuk framework komunikasi IoT. Juga, meskipun kedua organisasi bersifat global, kekuatan EEBus di Eropa cocok dengan kekuatan OIC di Amerika dan Asia. Dengan kolaborasi ini kami bermaksud untuk menggabungkan kekuatan teknis di kedua kelompok dan penetrasi pasar untuk mencapai tujuan bersama," kata Peter Kellendonk, Chairman EEBus.
"OIC berharap untuk bekerja bersama EEBus di area penting dari Smart Home. Kami percaya ini adalah ruang di mana kedua kelompok dapat melengkapi upaya masing-masing dan membantu lebih cepat mewujudkan visi Smart Homes dengan cerdas, perangkat interoperable, " kata Imad Sousou, wakil presiden dan general manager, Intel Open Source Technology Center dan wakil presiden direktur untuk dewan direktur di OIC.
EEBus memiliki lebih dari 50 perusahaan anggota termasuk ABB, Bosch, Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte, E. ON, Miele, SMA dan Telekom. OIC juga memiliki lebih dari 50 anggota, termasuk Cisco, Dell, GE, Honeywell, Intel, Samsung dan Siemens.
EEBus Initiative and the Open Interconnect Consortium Join Forces on IoT Standardization
Collaboration aims to bring harmonization and interoperability between EEBus standards for smart grid and home networking, along with the Open Interconnect Consortium’s connectivity framework
HANOVER, Germany--March 17, 2015--Today, at CeBIT in Hanover, Germany, two of the leading groups working to enable the Internet of Things (IoT) announced plans to work together. The strategic liaison agreement between the EEBus Initiative e.V. (EEBus) and Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC) allows the two organizations to collaborate on specification development and certification programs, helping to increase interoperability and ease of use, while minimizing duplication of effort and fragmentation. The results will help accelerate the speed with which the vision of IoT becomes a reality.
EEBus is dedicated to defining an end-to-end solution for the smart grid and smart home that will increase the efficiency, environmental protection, convenience and security of the energy supply and related Smart Home management. OIC’s connectivity framework simplifies the way application developers and device manufacturers manage common tasks of discovery and connectivity over many different transports including Wi-Fi®, Bluetooth®, Zigbee®, ZWave®. This collaboration means both groups will reference or repurpose work already done in the other organization; all while harmonizing future roadmaps.
“This relationship marks a giant leap forward in delivering interoperability for the Internet of Things. OIC’s unique combination of standards development with the associated IoTivity open source project is the right approach for an IoT communications framework. Also, although both organizations are global, EEBus’ strength in Europe fits well with OIC’s strength in the Americas and Asia. With this collaboration we intend to combine the two groups’ technical strengths and market penetration to achieve a common goal,” said Peter Kellendonk, Chairman EEBus.
“The OIC looks forward to working alongside EEBus in the important area of Smart Home. We believe this is a space where the two groups can complement each other’s efforts and help more quickly realize the vision of Smart Homes with intelligent, interoperable devices,” said Imad Sousou, vice president and general manager, Intel Open Source Technology Center and board of directors’ vice president at the OIC.
EEBus has over 50 member companies including ABB, Bosch, Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte, E.ON, Miele, SMA and Telekom. OIC also has more than 50 members, including Cisco, Dell, GE, Honeywell, Intel, Samsung and Siemens.
About EEBus Initiative e.V.
The EEBus Initiative is a non-profit organization and develops interoperable Smart Home communication technologies based on a neutral information layer with corresponding data models and their mapping onto different domain specific network technologies. For IP based communication the EEBus Initiative develops the SHIP (Smart Home IP) Protocol. Further on also the interaction of devices within different use cases is defined. All specifications become part of international Smart Grid and Smart Home standards (mainly IEC and CENELEC). To learn more, visit www.eebus.org.
About Open Interconnect Consortium
The Open Interconnect Consortium, a Delaware non-profit corporation, is being founded by leading technology companies with the goal of defining the connectivity requirements and ensuring interoperability of the billions of devices that will make up the emerging Internet of Things (IoT). To learn more, visit www.openinterconnect.org or email info@openinterconnect.org.
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