Z-Wave Alliance, sebuah konsorsium terbuka beranggotakan perusahaan teknologi global untuk menyebarkan Z-Wave, ekosistem untuk mengontrol produk dan layanan nirkabel terbesar di dunia, telah mengumumkan bahwa SmartThings telah menjadi Anggota atau Member dari Board of Directors (Dewan Direksi) dari aliansi ini.
SmartThings adalah sebuah platform terbuka yang menawarkan pengguna cara termudah untuk mengubah rumah mereka menjadi smart home. Sistem ini terdiri dari Hub pusat yang dapat berkomunikasi dengan lebih dari 150 perangkat dan dikendalikan melalui aplikasi mobile tunggal. Sejak perusahaan ini diakuisisi oleh Samsung pada bulan Agustus 2014, jumlah perangkat dan aplikasi yang dibuat untuk platform ini telah meningkat dua kali lipat, dengan lebih dari 10.000 pengembang dan lebih dari 1 juta aplikasi telah diinstal.
Kedatangan SmartThings kepada Z-Wave Alliance Board of Directors menambah tingkat signifikansi dari kredibilitas daftar anggota dewan industri terkemuka yang sudah mengesankan sebelumnya - daftar yang mencakup DT, Evolve Guest Controls, FAKRO, Ingersoll-Rand, Jasco Products, LG Uplus, Nortek Security & Control, dan Sigma Designs.
"SmartThings adalah tambahan yang sangat kita sambut di Z-Wave Alliance Board of Directors," kata Ketua Aliansi Mark Walters. "Pertumbuhan luar biasa yang mereka alami hanya dalam waktu dua tahun - yang berpuncak pada pembelian perusahaan mereka oleh Samsung - adalah bukti pemahaman mereka tentang pasar smart home dan validasi platform mereka. Wawasan pasar dan keahlian teknis seperti ini akan berperan besar dalam membantu Z-Wave Alliance untuk memandu masa depan teknologi terdepan di industri."
Mary Miller, Senior Director of Marketing Corporate Designs Sigma, anggota Dewan Direksi utama lainnya dari Z-Wave Alliance sangat antusias dengan kedatangan konstituen terbaru di Dewan Direksi.
"Platform pengendali smart home dari SmartThings, yang akan bekerja dengan Z-Wave, berada di barisan depan dari sistem rumah yang terhubung yang membawa teknologi ini ke audiens yang berkembang pesat dan membuat rumah menjadi lebih pintar," katanya. "Dengan SmartThings sekarang di Dewan Direksi, kita memiliki advokat lain yang kuat buat Z-Wave untuk bekerja dalam memastikan bahwa Z-Wave akan terus tumbuh dan berkembang untuk peran kepemimpinannya di Internet of Things (IoT) untuk industri smart home."
"Ini adalah waktu yang menarik bagi SmartThings untuk bergabung dengan Z-Wave Alliance Board of Directors," kata Dan Lieberman, Kepala Riset & Standar di SmartThings. "Dukungan untuk Z-Wave telah menjadi pusat untuk ekosistem platform terbuka dari SmartThings, dan kami berharap dapat bekerja dengan Z-Wave Alliance untuk terus meningkatkan interoperabilitas perangkat untuk membuatnya lebih mudah bagi konsumen untuk mengubah rumah mereka menjadi smart home."
Sejak diperkenalkan ke pasar pada tahun 2003, Z-Wave telah menjadi teknologi nirkabel pilihan untuk pasar keamanan dan komersial dari perumahan. Z-Wave adalah teknologi yang digunakan oleh semua penyedia keamanan rumah utama untuk penerangan, kunci dan termostat. Teknologi Z-Wave juga menjadi solusi konektivitas nirkabel yang dipilih oleh sejumlah penyedia layanan utama lainnya, termasuk: AT&T, Orange, Verizon, Bell Aliant, dan Century Link. Produk Z-Wave juga tersedia langsung ke konsumen melalui pengecer dan e-tailer terbesar di Amerika Serikat dan Eropa. Diadopsi oleh lebih dari 300 pemimpin pasar di seluruh dunia, Z-Wave sepenuhnya interoperable antara semua merek dan sepenuhnya kompatibel ke belakang antara versi.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Z-Wave Alliance, kunjungi http://z-wavealliance.org/. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang SmartThings, silakan kunjungi http://www.smartthings.com/.
Z-Wave Alliance Announces SmartThings As New Principal and Board Member
The Z-Wave Alliance, an open consortium of leading global companies deploying Z-Wave, the world’s largest ecosystem of wireless control products and services, is pleased to announce that SmartThings has become a Member of the Alliance’s Board of Directors.
SmartThings is an open platform that offers users the easiest way to turn their home into a smart home, bringing peace of mind, savings, and convenience. The system consists of a central Hub that can communicate with over 150 devices and is controlled through a single mobile app. Since the company was acquired by Samsung in August 2014, the number of devices and apps created for the platform has doubled, with more than 10,000 developers and over 1 million installed SmartApps.
The arrival of SmartThings to the Z-Wave Alliance Board of Directors adds a significant level of credibility to an already impressive list of industry-leading board members - a list that includes ADT, Evolve Guest Controls, FAKRO, Ingersoll-Rand, Jasco Products, LG Uplus, Nortek Security & Control, and Sigma Designs.
"SmartThings is a welcome addition to the Z-Wave Alliance Board of Directors," said Alliance Chairman Mark Walters. "The incredible growth they've experienced in just over two years -- culminating in their purchase by Samsung -- is a testament to their understanding of the smart home market and a validation of their platform. This kind of market insight and technical expertise will prove instrumental in helping the Z-Wave Alliance guide the future of our industry-leading technology."
Mary Miller, Senior Director of Corporate Marketing for Sigma Designs, another Principal and Board member of the Alliance, was enthusiastic about the Board's newest constituent.
"The SmartThings home control platform, which works with Z-Wave, is at the forefront of connected home systems that are bringing this technology to a rapidly growing audience and making homes more intelligent," she said. "With SmartThings now on the Alliance Board, we have another powerful Z-Wave advocate working to ensure that Z-Wave continues to grow and expand its leadership role in the Internet of Things (IoT) for smart home industry."
"It’s an exciting time for SmartThings to join the Z-Wave Alliance Board of Directors," said Dan Lieberman, Head of Research & Standards at SmartThings. "Support for Z-Wave has been central to SmartThings’ open platform ecosystem, and we look forward to working with the Z-Wave Alliance to continue to improve device interoperability to make it easier for consumers to turn their homes into smart homes.”
Since its introduction to the market in 2003, Z-Wave has been the wireless technology of choice for the residential and commercial security markets. Z-Wave is the technology used by all major home security providers for lighting, locks and thermostats. Z-Wave technology has also been the wireless connectivity solution selected by a number of other major service providers, including: AT&T, Orange, Verizon, Bell Aliant, and Century Link. Z-Wave products are also available direct to consumers through major retailer and e-tailers in the US and Europe. Adopted by over 300 worldwide market leaders, Z-Wave is fully interoperable between all brands and is fully backward-compatible between versions.
For more information about the Z-Wave Alliance, visit http://z-wavealliance.org/. For more information about SmartThings, please visit http://www.smartthings.com/.
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About Z-Wave
Z-Wave technology and is an open internationally recognized ITU standard (G.9959). It is the leading wireless home control technology in the market today, with over 1200 certified interoperable products worldwide. Represented by the Z-Wave Alliance, and supported by more than 300 companies around the world, the standard is a key enabler of smart living solutions for home safety and security, energy, hospitality, office and light commercial applications.
Z-Wave® is a registered trade mark of Sigma Designs and its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
About the Z-Wave Alliance
Formed in January 2005, the Z-Wave Alliance is a consortium of leading companies in the home technology space dedicated to solidifying Z-Wave as the standard for wireless home control products. The principal members include; ADT, Evolve Guest Controls, FAKRO, Ingersoll-Rand, Jasco Products, LG Uplus, Nortek Security & Control and Sigma Designs. Alliance members lead the home controls market, providing leading edge products and systems that deliver increased comfort, convenience, energy conservation, safety and security. For more information about the Z-Wave Alliance, visit www.z-wavealliance.org.
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