Eureka, Mcloudware, Microchip, Moscow Design Bureau dan Wind River bergabung dengan Automotive Grade Linux
Automotive Grade Linux (AGL), proyek kolaborasi open source untuk mengembangkan software stack common berbasis Linux (Tizen IVI) untuk connected car, hari ini mengumumkan bahwa Eureka, Mcloudware, Microchip, Moscow Design Bureau dan Wind River telah bergabung dengan Linux Foundation dan AGL untuk memajukan penciptaan platform referensi open source untuk membantu industri bisa berinovasi dan membangun mobil masa depan dengan cepat.
"Kami sangat bersemangat untuk melihat organisasi dari seluruh dunia semua bergabung dengan AGL untuk berkolaborasi pada platform open source otomotif tunggal yang seluruh industri dapat memanfaatkannya," kata Dan Cauchy, general manager otomotif di Linux Foundation. "Bersama dengan anggota AGL yang ada dari beberapa negara, ini adalah indikasi yang benar dari jangkauan, pertumbuhan dan relevansi AGL di seluruh dunia."
AGL adalah komunitas pengembang yang bekerja secara lintas perusahaan untuk mengembangkan platform otomotif yang umum (common) dan terbuka yang OEM dan pemasok dapat memanfaatkan dan menyesuaikannya untuk kebutuhan mereka. Ini dibangun di atas Tizen IVI dan menambahkan aplikasi kunci yang dikembangkan melalui HTML5 dan JavaScript ke platform referensi open source tunggal. AGL code, Design Requirements Documents dan banyak lagi semua tersedia di wiki AGL untuk memberikan siapa pun latar belakang dan peralatan yang diperlukan untuk menggunakan software dan mulai berkontribusi dalam proyek ini.
Tentang anggota terbaru:
- Eureka adalah perusahaan pengembang software yang menyediakan sistem embedded dan real-time dan sistem Near Field Communication untuk perusahaan manufaktur dan logistik untuk membantu mereka meningkatkan fungsi dan kecanggihan layanan mereka. Eureka berkantor pusat di Nagoya, Jepang.
- Mcloudware menyediakan layanan integrasi sistem dan solusi UI/UX untuk cluster otomotif dan sistem infotainment untuk OEM serta elektronik konsumen, industri, sekolah dan rumah digital. Dengan keahlian di beberapa sistem operasi, BSP, driver perangkat, middleware, GUI dan hardware, Mcloudware memungkinkan OEM untuk memberikan solusi infotainment yang kaya fitur, kuat dan terukur yang terintegrasi ke pasar dengan cepat dan dengan biaya yang kompetitif.
- Microchip Technology adalah penyedia microcontroller, mixed-signal, solusi analog dan Flash-IP, menyediakan pengembangan produk berisiko rendah, biaya sistem total yang lebih rendah dan waktu yang lebih cepat ke pasar untuk ribuan aplikasi buat konsumen yang beragam di seluruh dunia. Berkantor pusat di Chandler, Arizona, Microchip menawarkan dukungan teknis yang luar biasa bersama dengan pengiriman yang bisa diandalkan dan berkualitas.
- Moscow Design Bureau adalah desainer Rusia tertua untuk peralatan navigasi radio. Moscow Design Bureau-Compas telah mengembangkan airborne dan marine untuk sistem termasuk Dekka, Omega, Loran-C dan Transit. Selama lebih dari 15 tahun, Compas telah mengembangkan dan memproduksi peralatan pengguna untuk Glonass dan GPS. Biro desain ini telah mengotomasisasi sistem dan memproduksi berbagai perangkat seperti sistem pemantauan kendaraan, sistem navigasi satelit, perlindungan kargo dan sistem kontrol gerakan, sistem penentuan lokasi yang tepat dari unit kereta api mobile, pelacak otomotif dan navigator, dan banyak lagi.
- Wind River adalah pemimpin dunia dalam menghadirkan software untuk sistem terhubung yang pintar. Menjadi perintis komputasi dalam perangkat embedded sejak tahun 1981, dengan teknologi mereka telah ditempatkan dalam hampir 2 miliar produk. Wind River memberikan teknologi untuk memungkinkan inovasi dan penyebaran sistem pintar yang aman dan handal untuk Internet of Things (IoT). Keahlian beragam dan portofolio memungkinkan Wind River untuk mendukung industri otomotif di hampir semua proyek, dari infotainment dan telematika untuk array yang luas dari solusi software yang memungkinkan inovasi untuk kendaraan yang terhubung generasi masa depan. Wind River telah menjadi anggota dari Linux Foundation sejak 2007 dan anggota pendiri dari Proyek Yocto serta GENIVI Alliance.
AGL akan menjadi tuan rumah pertemuan semua anggota di Tokyo bulan ini di mana pengembang dan peserta berkumpul untuk membahas rilis platform berikutnya. Banyak anggota dan perusahaan lain yang berinvestasi dalam pengembangan kolaboratif juga akan bertemu secara tatap muka di Collaboration Summit, 19-20 Februari di Santa Rosa, California.
Eureka, Mcloudware, Microchip, Moscow Design Bureau and Wind River Join the Linux Foundation and Automotive Grade Linux
Fifty-one members around the globe contribute code and resources to deliver the industry’s first fully open automotive platform that puts OEMs in control
SAN FRANCISCO, February 12, 2015 – Automotive Grade Linux (AGL), a collaborative open source project developing a common, Linux-based software stack for the connected car, today announced that Eureka Inc., Mcloudware, Microchip, Moscow Design Bureau and Wind River are joining The Linux Foundation and AGL to advance the creation of an open source reference platform to help the industry rapidly innovate and build the cars of the future.
“We are particularly excited to see organizations from around the globe all joining AGL to collaborate on a single open source automotive platform that the entire industry can leverage,” said Dan Cauchy, general manager of automotive, The Linux Foundation. “Together with existing AGL members from multiple countries, this is a true indication of the reach, growth and relevance of AGL worldwide.”
AGL is a community of developers working across company lines to develop a common and open automotive platform that OEMs and suppliers can utilize and customize for their needs. It builds on top of Tizen IVI and adds key applications developed in HTML5 and JavaScript into a single open source reference platform. AGL code, Design Requirements Documents and more are all available on the AGL wiki to give anyone the background and tools needed to use the software and start contributing to the project.
About the newest members:
Eureka Inc. is a software development company that provides embedded and real-time systems and Near Field Communication systems for manufacturing and logistics companies to help them improve the function and sophistication of their services. Eureka Inc. is headquartered in Nagoya, Japan.
“The automotive market is rapidly evolving to meet the demands of consumers who want their car experience to mimic that of mobile,” said Kazuo Nakamura, senior engineer, Eureka Inc. “A neutral, open source automotive platform is the best way to achieve rapid innovation and true interoperability among the industry. We are pleased to participate in the community.”
Mcloudware provides system integration services and UI/UX solutions for automotive cluster and infotainment system for OEMs as well as consumer electronics, industrial, schools and digital homes. With expertise in multiple operating systems, BSP, device drivers, middleware, GUI and hardware, Mcloudware enables OEMs to deliver feature-rich, robust and scalable integrated infotainment solutions to the market rapidly and at competitive costs.
“The automotive market is revolutionizing the connected and electronic car industries. In the process, the demand and opportunity for cluster and IVI is emerging rapidly. Some automotive OEMs see the change coming, but are not ready for it just yet,” said Richard Yao, vice president of sales, Mcloudware. “Mcloudware is ready to provide in-house robust, future-proof solutions across various platforms. Using the common, open platform being created by AGL allows us to more rapidly build and evolve our own connected car solutions to keep pace with consumer demand.”
Microchip Technology Inc. (NASDAQ: MCHP) is a leading provider of microcontroller, mixed-signal, analog and Flash-IP solutions, providing low-risk product development, lower total system cost and faster time to market for thousands of diverse customer applications worldwide. Headquartered in Chandler, Arizona, Microchip offers outstanding technical support along with dependable delivery and quality.
“Microchip is excited to contribute to AGL’s success, by sharing our long-term and in-depth MOST networking experience,” said Dan Termer, vice president of Microchip’s Automotive Information Systems Division. “Our new MOST technology Linux driver enables developers to utilize the proven, automotive-standard MOST network technology in a Linux environment, which will further accelerate innovation for ADAS and infotainment systems.”
Moscow Design Bureau-Compas is the oldest Russian designer of radio navigation equipment. Compas has developed airborne and marine receivers for systems including Dekka, Omega, Loran-C and Transit. For more than 15 years, Compas has developed and produced user equipment for Glonass and GPS. The Bureau designs automated systems and produces a range of devices such as vehicle monitoring systems, satellite navigation systems, cargo protection and movement control systems, systems of precise location determination of railway mobile units, automotive trackers and navigators, and more.
“AGL opens up the automotive software ecosystem for everyone, allowing the industry to realize its full potential faster than any one company working alone,” said Kovtunenko Konstantin, general constructor, Moscow Design Bureau-Compas. “We are excited to be part of this initiative to bring an open automotive platform to our customers.”
Wind River is a world leader in delivering software for intelligent connected systems. Pioneering computing inside embedded devices since 1981, its technology is found in nearly 2 billion products. Wind River delivers technology to enable the innovation and deployment of safe, secure, and reliable intelligent systems for the Internet of Things. Its diverse expertise and portfolio allows Wind River to support the auto industry in virtually any project, from infotainment and telematics to a vast array of software solutions enabling innovation for future generations of connected vehicles. A longtime open source champion, Wind River has been a member of The Linux Foundation since2007 and a founding member of the Yocto Project as well as the GENIVI Alliance.
“As connectivity becomes ever more ubiquitous in cars, automotive systems grow increasingly complex, creating new challenges around safety and reliability,” said Georg Doll, vice president of automotive solutions, Wind River. “Open source can play a key role in the development of innovative and reliable automotive platforms for the automotive cockpit of the future. We are looking forward to working with the AGL community and lending our expertise from mission-critical systems to this industry.”
AGL is hosting an all-member meeting in Tokyo this month where developers and participants are gathering to discuss the next platform release. Many of the members and other companies invested in collaborative development are also meeting face-to-face at Collaboration Summit, February 19-20 in Santa Rosa, Calif. For more info visit:
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