Samsung luncurkan update firmware terbaru untuk Tizen Camera NX1

Samsung Electronics hari ini mengumumkan update firmware untuk Samsung NX1, compact system camera (CSC) premium berbasis OS Tizen. Firmware baru ini meningkatkan dan menyempurnakan kemampuan Samsung NX1, yang memungkinkan untuk beroperasi dengan presisi dan kecepatan yang lebih baik. Perbaikan utama berfokus pada fungsi film dan kontrol, user interface dan kemampuan nirkabel.

​Baik pembuat film pemula dan berpengalaman akan menikmati berbagai perbaikan untuk Movie mode, yang memberikan pengalaman syuting yang lebih profesional. Tidak hanya pengguna sekarang bisa mengatur level audio saat merekam video, mereka juga dapat mengontrol ISO dan memilih dari dua mode Gamma dengan Master Black Level Control dan tiga tingkat pencahayaan, memungkinkan kontrol yang lebih baik atas tampilan footage. Kontrol AF dalam Movie mode juga telah ditingkatkan, yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk memilih dari tiga tingkat kecepatan AF. Sebuah fitur baru untuk mengendalikan continuous AFs juga membantu melacak fokus pada subjek yang bergerak saat pemotretan.

Interface Samsung NX1 juga ditingkatkan, sehingga lebih mudah dari sebelumnya untuk menavigasi melalui berbagai fitur. Pengguna sekarang dapat mengatur tombol AEL untuk mengunci fokus, dan menggunakan fokus manual dalam mode AF selama perekaman. Penyempurnaan UI disesuaikan menyediakan sejumlah manfaat, termasuk membalikkan fungsi tombol Mobile dan Record, membalikkan fungsi tombol AF On dan AEL, dan membalikkan arah Command dial berdasarkan preferensi.

Berbagai pilihan konektivitas yang tersedia di Samsung NX1 telah menerima perbaikan, dan pengguna dapat mengaktifkan Bluetooth sebagai remote trigger yang sederhana. Mempercepat dan menyederhanakan proses untuk menggunakan perangkat pintar sebagai remote control, fitur baru ini dapat memicu pelepasan rana serta berhenti dan mulai video melalui Bluetooth daripada Wi-Fi. Samsung Nx1 sekarang juga dapat menyimpan beberapa perangkat pintar yang dipasangkan (multiple paired) dengan tidak perlu meregister ulang ketika bergerak antara perangkat yang berbeda, sehingga menghadirkan konsistensi dan kenyamanan yang lebih baik.

Pembaruan lainnya termasuk Trap Shot, tambahan untuk Samsung Auto Shot mode yang populer. Pengguna sekarang dapat menyesuaikan pengaturan sehingga ketika objek bergerak menyentuh garis ini, kamera akan secara otomatis mengambil gambar. PC tethering melalui USB sekarang menjadi kenyataan bagi mereka yang menggunakan software Samsung Remote Studio dan pengembang dapat memanfaatkan Software Development Kit (SDK) Samsung untuk Windows PC, yang berarti mereka memiliki akses remote dan software kontrol untuk Samsung NX1.

Update firmware akan tersedia di pertengahan Januari melalui

Updated Features
I. Movie Mode Refinements
1. Users can now adjust audio levels while recording video
2. Users can now control ISO while recording video
3. 23.98 and 24 frame per second rates now available for UHD & FHD
4. Pro Quality mode added to Full HD
a. Previously only HD and Normal were provided for FHD
5. Display marker enhancements
a. Gridlines and center marker overlays in movie mode are now visible
b. Added 4:3 and 2.35:1 aspect ratio markers
c. Added Action-safe area marker option
6. The Samsung NX1 now supports Time Code through HDMI for use when using an 
     external recorder such as the ATOMOS Shogun
a. ‘Free Run’ time code supported
b. Time Code not supported for internal recording
7. Two Gamma modes now provided for more control of aesthetic look of footagea. C Gamma mode is a preset logarithmic color setting designed to deliver higher overall 
b. D Gamma is a preset logarithmic color setting designed to capture a wider tonal range 
    for increased dynamic range
     Both gamma modes are designed for a more cinematic look
8. Master Black Level Control
a. Users can now control dark level gamma 
b. 31 levels:  -15 ― +15
9. Three luminance level options are now provideda. [0-255], [16-235], [16-255]
10. AF speed control implemented for more cinematic autofocus controla. User can now select one of three AF speeds
11. Added AF responsiveness controla. This is a new AF feature for controlling continuous AF behavior when tracking focus on a 
    moving subject 
b. User can select from five different speeds to control how quick the camera will refocus 
    and begin tracking a new subject if something comes in-between the camera and the 
    original subject being tracked
12. Can now capture stills from a specific video frame in playback modea. Added control for seeking specific frame to grab from video
b. Users can select by individual frame in the forward direction
c. If seeking in the backward direction frames within a half-second are selectable
II. Physical User Interface

1. Added Autofocus Lock (AFL) to movie mode       a.  Users can now set the AEL button to lock focus in Movie mode
2. Auto Focus/ Manual Focus Toggling to movie modea. Users can now set the AF ON button to toggle between auto focus and manual focus during recording
3. Customizable physical user interface refinementsa. Reverse the functions of the Mobile Button and the Record button
b. Reverse the functions of the AF On button and the AEL button
c. Reverse the direction of the Command dials based on preference
d. Additional customization options to the functions of the command dials when in P/A /S/M 
e. Customize the Optical Preview and Delete buttons with a different function
III. Wireless
1. Bluetooth Remote – Can now use Bluetooth as simple remote trigger
     Speeds up and simplifies using a smart device as remote control
a. The Samsung Camera Manager App now provides the ability to trigger the shutter 
    release / video start/stop from a smart device using Bluetooth as opposed to Wi-Fi 
b. User can choose 'Quick transfer' which will send a QVGA still to the smartphone after it’s 
2. The Samsung NX1 can now store multiple paired Smart devices
a. If a user has multiple smart devices, they only need to register them with the camera 
    once to store them
b. For example, users do not have to re-register devices when shifting from a phone to a 
3. Added wireless firmware updating
a. When connected to a Wi-Fi network, the camera will notify users if a new firmware 
    version is available, and will allow them to download and install the update wirelessly
IV. Others
1. “Trap Shot” feature added to Samsung Auto Shot modea. Allows users to adjust the guide line so that when a moving object hits it, the camera will 
    automatically take a picture
2. PC tethering implemented
a. Using Samsung Remote Studio software, the Samsung NX1 now supports tethered shooting via 
b. Windows PC only
     Samsung Remote Studio Software will be available via Samsung iLauncher
3. Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows PC
a. Samsung will provide an SDK for Windows allowing developers to make remote access 
    and control software for the Samsung NX1 

Samsung Camera NX1 Firmware Upgrade

Premium Compact System Camera’s performance boosted with a range of upgraded features

​Seoul, Korea – Jan 7, 2015 – Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., today announced a firmware update for the Samsung NX1, its premium compact system camera. The new firmware enhances and refines the Samsung NX1’s capabilities, allowing it to operate with even greater precision and speed. Key enhancements focus on movie functions and controls, the user interface and wireless capabilities.

Both budding and experienced film makers will enjoy the variety of Movie mode refinements, which deliver an even more professional filming experience. Not only can users now adjust audio levels while recording video, they can also control ISO and choose from two Gamma modes with Master Black Level Control and three luminance levels, enabling greater control over the look of footage. AF controls in movie mode have also been enhanced, allowing users to select from three AF speeds. A new feature for controlling continuous AF behavior also helps track focus on a moving subject while shooting.

The Samsung NX1’s interface is also upgraded, making it easier than ever to navigate through the range of features. Users can now set the AEL button to lock focus, and use manual focus in AF mode during recording. The customizable UI refinements provide a host of benefits, including reversing the functions of the Mobile and Record buttons, reversing the functions of the AF On and the AEL buttons, and reversing the direction of the Command dials based on preference.

The range of connectivity options available on the Samsung NX1 has received a boost, and users can now activate Bluetooth as a simple remote trigger. Speeding up and simplifying the process for using a smart device as a remote control, this new feature can trigger the shutter release as well as stop and start video via Bluetooth rather than Wi-Fi. The Samsung NX1 can now also store multiple paired smart devices with no need to re-register when moving between different devices, allowing greater consistency and convenience.

Other updates include Trap Shot, an addition to the popular Samsung Auto Shot mode. Users can now adjust the settings so that when a moving object hits this line, the camera will automatically take a picture. PC tethering via USB is now a reality for those using Samsung Remote Studio software and developers can take advantage of Samsung’s Software Development Kit for Windows PC, meaning they have remote access and control software for the Samsung NX1.

The firmware update will be available in middle of January through

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