Thread Group kini beranggotakan 50 perusahaan, tetapkan UL untuk sertifikasi produk

Thread Group - sebuah aliansi industri yang bertujuan untuk memperluas adopsi Thread, protokol jaringan nirkabel berdaya rendah berbasis IP baru yang dirancang khusus untuk smart home, hari ini mengumumkan bahwa mereka telah berkembang menjadi lebih dari 50 anggota sejak keanggotaan dibuka pada 1 Oktober yang lalu. Selain itu, Thread Group akan bekerja sama dengan UL untuk melakukan pengujian dan sertifikasi untuk memastikan pengalaman pengguna yang berkualitas tinggi, serta interoperabilitas dan keamanan seluruh produk yang menggunakan Thread.

Para anggota Thread Group terbaru meliputi: ATMEL®, California Eastern Laboratories, Inc., CamPoint, Energizer® Holdings, Inc., GainSpan Corporation, Granite River Labs, Grid Connect, Imagination Technologies, Insteon®, Intellihot Green Technologies Inc., iOT Tech, Jasco®, Keen Home, Kwikset, leakSMART, Linx Technologies, LUX Technology Group, Marvell Technology Group Ltd., Midea Group, Nanoleaf, NET2GRID, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Proximetry, Inc., SALTO SYSTEMS, Sansa Security, Shenzhen Rakwireless Technology Co., Ltd, Skyley Networks, Inc., Stack Lighting, Telegesis, TÃœV Rheinland Group, Tyco, UL, Whirlpool Corporation, WigWag Inc, ZONEFIRST®.

"Dalam hitungan bulan, kami meluncurkan Thread Group, UL yang terpilih akan menjalankan laboratorium sertifikasi produk kami dan yang dihuni oleh lebih dari 50 perusahaan anggota baru," kata Chris Boross, presiden Thread Group dan manajer pemasaran produk teknis di Nest. "Momentum ini membuka jalan untuk produk dengan Thread pada tahun 2015. Selain itu, minat yang kuat dalam Thread menggarisbawahi kegembiraan industri untuk manfaat Thread dan masa depan rumah yang terhubung."

UL akan mengelola proses sertifikasi produk, bekerja sama dengan Granite River Labs untuk mengembangkan memanfaatkan tes. Usaha gabungan ini akan memastikan bahwa pengembang produk memiliki pengalaman membangun, pengujian dan sertifikasi untuk produk dengan Thread yang mulus. Sertifikasi produk Thread diharapkan akan tersedia pada paruh pertama tahun 2015.

"Setelah proses review menyeluruh, kami memilih UL karena reputasi mereka yang kuat sebagai pemimpin dalam uji keamanan dan validasi serta keahlian pengujian nirkabel mereka," kata Skip Ashton, wakil presiden teknologi untuk Thread Group dan wakil presiden software di Silicon Labs. "Dengan rumah pengujian kami di tempat, kita dapat memulai proses sertifikasi menyeluruh untuk produk Thread dan memungkinkan anggota kami untuk memberikan perangkat terhubung interoperable yang handal ke rumah secepat mungkin. Prioritas kami adalah untuk memastikan bahwa konsumen secara konsisten memiliki pengalaman yang sangat positif dengan produk bermerk Thread yang tepat out of the box."

"Kami sangat senang bisa bekerja sama dengan Thread Group untuk membangun dan memfasilitasi sertifikasi produk untuk produk terhubung dengan teknologi Thread," kata Mike Kuo, Regional General Manager Divisi Consumer Technology di UL. "Selain mengembangkan program sertifikasi Thread, UL bermitra dengan Granit River Labs untuk mengembangkan pemanfaatan tes. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk memberikan keahlian UL dalam memvalidasi bahwa semua produk yang membawa logo Thread telah memenuhi standar untuk interoperabilitas."

Teknologi Thread dirancang untuk memotong hambatan teknis yang telah mencegah adopsi Internet of Things (IoT) di rumah. Thread memungkinkan pengembang produk untuk membuat - dan konsumen untuk menikmati - produk terhubung yang mudah dan aman ke jaringan nirkabel mesh berdaya rendah, dengan koneksi langsung ke internet dan akses cloud untuk setiap perangkat.

Menggunakan standar terbukti seperti teknologi IPv6 dengan 6LoWPAN dan standar radio 802.15.4 sebagai landasannya, Thread menawarkan berbagai keunggulan teknologi kepada pembuat produk melalui standar nirkabel yang ada. Secara khusus, Thread menawarkan jaringan rendah daya yang handal, penyembuhan diri, dan aman yang membuatnya mudah bagi siapapun untuk menghubungkan lebih dari 250 perangkat dalam rumah antar satu sama lain dan ke cloud untuk kontrol yang mudah dan akses dari mana saja.

Thread Group Membership Grows To More Than 50 Companies

UL to Run Independent Certification Lab for Products Using Thread Networking Protocol

SAN RAMON, Calif. - Dec. 16, 2014 - The Thread Group - an industry alliance chartered with guiding the widespread adoption of Thread, the new IP-based low-power wireless networking protocol designed specifically for the home, announced today that it has grown to more than 50 members since membership opened up on Oct 1st. Additionally, the Thread Group will work with UL to perform testing and certification to ensure a high-quality user experience, as well as interoperability and security across products using Thread.

The newest Thread Group members include: ATMEL®, California Eastern Laboratories, Inc., CamPoint, Energizer® Holdings, Inc., GainSpan Corporation, Granite River Labs, Grid Connect, Imagination Technologies, Insteon®, Intellihot Green Technologies Inc., iOT Tech, Jasco®, Keen Home, Kwikset, leakSMART, Linx Technologies, LUX Technology Group, Marvell Technology Group Ltd., Midea Group, Nanoleaf, NET2GRID, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Proximetry, Inc., SALTO SYSTEMS, Sansa Security, Shenzhen Rakwireless Technology Co., Ltd, Skyley Networks, Inc., Stack Lighting, Telegesis, TÃœV Rheinland Group, Tyco, UL, Whirlpool Corporation, WigWag Inc, ZONEFIRST®.

"In a matter of months, we launched the Thread Group, selected UL to run our product certification lab and on-boarded more than 50 new member companies," said Chris Boross, president of the Thread Group and technical product marketing manager at Nest. "This momentum paves the way for the first Thread-enabled products in 2015. Additionally, the strong interest in Thread underscores the industry's excitement for Thread's benefits and the future of the connected home."

UL will manage the product certification process, working closely with Granite River Labs to develop the test harness. This combined effort will ensure that product developers have a seamless experience building, testing and certifying Thread-enabled products. Thread product certification is expected to be available in the first half of 2015.

"After a thorough review process, we selected UL because of their strong reputation as a leader in safety testing and validation as well as their wireless testing expertise," said Skip Ashton, vice president of technology for the Thread Group and vice president of software at Silicon Labs. "With our test house in place, we can start the thorough certification process for Thread-enabled products and enable our members to deliver reliable, interoperable connected devices to homes as quickly as possible. Our priority is to ensure that consumers consistently have a very positive experience with Thread-branded products right out of the box."

"We are very pleased to be working with the Thread Group to establish and facilitate product certification for connected products leveraging Thread technology," said Mike Kuo, Regional General Manager of the Consumer Technology Division, UL. "In addition to developing the Thread certification program, UL is partnering with Granite River Labs to develop a test harness. The ultimate goal is to provide UL's expertise in validating that all products carrying the Thread logo meet the standards for interoperability."

Thread technology was designed to bypass the technical roadblocks that have prevented the widespread adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the home. Thread enables product developers to create - and consumers to enjoy - products that easily and securely connect to a low-power wireless mesh network, with direct Internet and cloud access for every device.

Using proven standards such as IPv6 technology with 6LoWPAN and standard 802.15.4 radios as its foundation, Thread offers product developers numerous technological advantages over existing wireless standards. Specifically, it gives them a reliable low-power, self-healing, and secure network that makes it simple for people to connect more than 250 devices in the home to each other and to the cloud for easy control and access from anywhere.

About Thread

Designed for consumers and devices in and around the home, Thread easily and securely connects hundreds of devices to each other and directly to the cloud using real Internet Protocols in a low-power, wireless mesh network. The non-profit Thread Group is focused on making Thread the foundation for the Internet of Things in the home, educating product developers and consumers on the unique features and benefits of Thread and ensuring a great user experience through rigorous, meaningful product certification. Thread is backed by industry-leading companies including ARM, Big Ass Fans, Freescale Semiconductor, Nest Labs, Samsung Electronics, Silicon Labs and Yale Security. For more information, please visit
