Samsung kerjasama dengan untuk Samsung Wallet di Gear S Incorporated, perusahaan penyedia kupon digital, hari ini mengumumkan kemitraan strategis dengan Samsung untuk menghadirkan layanan tabungan mobile untuk lebih dari 20 juta perangkat andalan Samsung di Amerika Serikat. Pembeli sekarang dapat menambahkan Card Linked Offers (CardLink iQ™) dari melalui Samsung Wallet mereka untuk penebusan otomatis saat checkout. Dengan sekali tekan, pembeli dapat menambahkan kupon dari pengecer dan restoran secara langsung ke kartu kredit Visa, American Express dan MasterCard.

"Kami sangat gembira untuk menjadi mitra terpilih Samsung," kata Steven Boal, presiden dan CEO dari Incorporated. "Tujuan kami selalu untuk membuat tabungan sederhana sementara mencapai pembeli paling banyak - dan kemitraan ini tepat sekali untuk itu. Setelah Anda menambahkan pembelian yang Anda inginkan, Anda sudah siap untuk berbelanja. Diskon akan secara otomatis diterapkan ketika Anda membayar."

Card Linked Offers, yang diluncurkan pada bulan April oleh, dirancang untuk pembeli yang selalu mobile. Musim liburan ini, hampir 56 persen pengguna smartphone diharapkan untuk menggunakan perangkat mereka untuk membantu mereka dengan belanja liburan, menurut sebuah survei yang dilakukan oleh National Retail Federation (NRF). Tidak mengherankan, pembeli juga mengatakan kepada NRF yang mana mereka berbelanja akan sangat ditentukan oleh penawaran dan tabungan yang bisa mereka temukan.

"Kami berusaha untuk meningkatkan Samsung Wallet melalui kemitraan strategis dan untuk menghubungkan pengguna ke konten yang lebih berguna," kata Dong-ouk Park, Senior Vice President Samsung Electronics. "Karena kupon penebusan terus memainkan peran yang lebih dan lebih menonjol dalam pengalaman belanja mobile, layanan kami akan memungkinkan konsumen untuk menyimpan uang lebih nyaman saat berbelanja (online atau) offline."

Samsung Wallet tersedia di Galaxy SIII, Galaxy S4, Galaxy S5, Galaxy Note, Galaxy Note II, Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy Note 4 dan perangkat wearable, Samsung Gear S. Announces Partnership with Samsung to Deliver Digital Savings for Samsung Wallet on the Gear S Incorporated, a leader in digital coupons, today announced a strategic partnership with Samsung to power mobile savings for more than 20 million Samsung flagship devices in the U.S. Shoppers can now add's Card Linked Offers (CardLink iQ™) via their Samsung Wallet for automatic redemption at checkout. With a single tap, shoppers can add coupons from top national retailers and restaurants directly to their Visa, American Express and MasterCard.

"We are thrilled to be Samsung's preferred partner," said Steven Boal, president and chief executive officer of Incorporated. "Our goal is always to make saving simple while reaching the most shoppers – and this partnership does exactly that. Once you add the offer you want, you're all set to shop. The discount will be automatically applied when you pay."

Card Linked Offers, which launched in April, is designed with mobile shoppers in mind. This holiday season, nearly 56 percent of smartphone users are expected to use their devices to assist them with holiday shopping, according to a survey by the National Retail Federation (NRF). Not surprisingly, shoppers also told the NRF that where they shop will largely be determined by the deals and savings they can find.

"We are striving to enhance Samsung Wallet through strategic partnerships and to connect users to more useful content," said Dong-ouk Park, Senior Vice President of Samsung Electronics. "As coupon redemption continues to play a more and more prominent role in the mobile shopping experience, our service will allow consumers to save money more conveniently when shopping (online or) offline."

Samsung Wallet is available on the Galaxy S® III, Galaxy S® 4, Galaxy® S 5, Galaxy Note®, Galaxy Note® II, Galaxy Note® 3, Galaxy Note® 4 and the wearable, Samsung Gear® S.

How it works:
  1. Download or Launch the Samsung Wallet: Card Linked offers are available on Samsung Galaxy S® series and Galaxy Note® devices in the US. The Samsung Wallet is available for download from Samsung Galaxy Apps or Google Play.
  2. Link Payment Card: Shoppers register their preferred credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express) or debit cards through their Wallet.
  3. Single Tap to Select Coupons: Shoppers browse offers and simply click to load the offers. Card Linked offers are for cash discounts or gift cards. Shoppers should check back frequently as new offers are continuously added.
  4. Save at Checkout: Upon checkout, a text message or email notification confirming the acceptance of the offer is sent if the purchase meets the conditions of the offer. The discounts are credited directly to the shopper's account.

In the coming months, the savings available through CardLInk iQ and the Samsung Wallet will increase as continues to add more features and offers including ever-more relevant and personalized coupons.
