Intel Corporation kemarin memperkenalkan teknologi proteksi data untuk transaksi (Intel® Data Protection Technology for Transactions), solusi pertama di industri untuk menyediakan enkripsi data konsumen dan keuangan secara end-to-end yang dibangun ke platform point of sale (POS). Dikembangkan bekerja sama dengan NCR, pemimpin dalam teknologi transaksi konsumen, Intel Data Protection Technology for Transactions menggabungkan software yang dioptimalkan untuk pengecer dengan hardware Intel, termasuk Intel Core dan prosesor Intel Atom terpilih, untuk memberikan tingkat keamanan yang lebih tinggi dari awal transaksi sampai data transaksi disimpan pada server perbankan.
Intel Data Protection Technology for Transactions menambahkan lapisan software tambahan untuk melindungi proses pembayaran, melengkapi investasi ritel saat ini di otorisasi kartu kredit EMV (Europay, MasterCard dan Visa), tokenisasi dan teknologi perlindungan data lainnya. Software ini berada dan berjalan pada chipset Intel untuk meningkatkan keamanan dan membantu menutup kesenjangan antara data yang dikirimkan antara perangkat POS dan pusat data.
Jumlah pelanggaran data telah menimbulkan keragukan pada kemampuan pengecer untuk mengamankan data konsumen dan mempertahankan kepercayaan konsumen dalam berbagi data, menciptakan penghalang untuk adopsi teknologi Internet of Things.
Menurut beberapa laporan industri, diperkirakan bahwa bisnis enterprise akan menghabiskan $114 miliar untuk urusan yang terkait dengan serangan cyber-malware pada tahun 2013, dan puluhan juta kartu kredit telah dikompromikan tahun ini.
Intel Data Protection Technology for Transactions dikembangkan untuk mengatasi masalah ini dan mempercepat penyebaran Internet of Things di lingkungan ritel.
"Solusi ini memperkenalkan perbaikan yang signifikan dalam perlindungan data transaksi ritel saat ini tanpa upgrade hardware yang mahal, dan memberikan pengecer jalan untuk mengadopsi teknologi Internet of Things baru," kata Michelle Tinsley, direktur Mobility Retail and Payments, Intel. "Hal ini juga menetapkan panggung untuk memperluas ke industri lain seperti jasa keuangan, kesehatan atau bahkan instansi pemerintah."
"Konsumen dan pengecer perlu solusi yang membantu mempersempit risiko informasi membuat jalan ke tangan yang salah," kata Chris Lybeer, wakil presiden Strategic Development di NCR. "NCR dan Intel menyadari kebutuhan untuk menambah tingkat keamanan baru ke dalam sistem transaksional. Dengan Intel Data Protection Technology for Transactions, dalam hubungannya dengan NCR DataGuard, semua data penting dari informasi konsumen untuk pembayaran kepada informasi yang bersifat rahasia akan terlindung dari kemungkinan penyalahgunaan."
Intel Introduces Technology to Help Bridge Retail Security Gap, Drive Adoption of the Internet of Things
SANTA CLARA, Calif., Oct. 15, 2014 – Intel Corporation today introduced Intel® Data Protection Technology for Transactions, the industry's first solution to provide end-to-end encryption of consumer and financial data that is built into the point of sale (POS) platforms. Developed in collaboration with NCR*, a leader in consumer transaction technologies, the Intel Data Protection Technology for Transactions combines software optimized for retailers with Intel hardware, including Intel® Core™ and select Intel® Atom™ processors, to deliver a higher level of security from the start of a transaction until transaction data is stored on a bank server.
Intel Data Protection Technology for Transactions adds an extra layer of software to protect the payment process, complementing current retail investments in EMV (Europay*, MasterCard* and Visa*) credit card authorization, tokenization and other data protection technologies. The software resides and runs on the Intel chipset for enhanced security and helps close the gaps between data transmitted between POS devices and the data center.
The mounting number of data breaches has cast doubt on retailers' ability to secure consumer data and sustain consumer confidence in sharing data, creating a barrier to the adoption of Internet of Things technologies.
It's estimated that enterprise businesses will spend $114 billion dealing with malware-related cyberattacks in 20131 and, per multiple industry reports, tens of millions of credit cards have been compromised this year.
Intel Data Protection Technology for Transactions was developed to address these issues and speed the deployment of the Internet of Things in retail environments.
"This solution introduces a significant improvement in today's retail transaction data protection without costly hardware upgrades, and provides retailers a path for adopting new Internet of Things technologies," said Michelle Tinsley, director of Mobility Retail and Payments, Intel. "It also sets the stage to expand to other industries such as financial services, healthcare or even government agencies."
"Consumers and retailers need solutions that help narrow the risk of information making its way into the wrong hands," said Chris Lybeer, vice president of Strategic Development at NCR. "NCR and Intel recognized the need to add a new level of security into transactional systems. With Intel Data Protection Technology for Transactions, in conjunction with NCR DataGuard, all important data from consumer information to payments to confidential business information are shielded from possible misuse."
"It's never been more important, or more difficult, for retailers to manage and protect data across the payment ecosystem," said Karen Webster, CEO, Market Platform Dynamics. "Intel's Data Protection Technology for Transactions security architecture does the obvious thing – it separates transaction processing from the POS – making that data less accessible and therefore more likely to be out of the reach of hackers. That can only help give both retailers and consumers more confidence that their POS experience is secure."
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