Intel luncurkan perangkat wearable untuk kesehatan, Basis Peak

Basis, produsen perangkat wearable milik Intel, hari ini mengumumkan perangkat wearable baru Basis Peak. Menampilkan desain touchscreen yang ramping dan teknologi sensor baru, Basis Peak menyediakan pemantauan denyut jantung setiap hari, termasuk selama olahraga. Melalui Peak, Basis membawa kombinasi unik dari pelacakan aktivitas otomatis, analisa tidur canggih dan pengalaman pengguna untuk kebiasaan yang sehat secara otomatis yang dirancang untuk memungkinkan perubahan perilaku yang nyata, memberikan gambaran kebugaran dan tidur yang paling komprehensif dari setiap produk dalam kategori ini.

Tersedia di pasar dalam bulan November, Basis Peak akan dijual seharga $199,99 dan dibangun berdasarkan model Basis sebelumnya untuk memberikan kinerja yang lebih baik, meningkatkan fungsionalitas dan desain fisik yang lebih baik.

Dalam mengembangkan Peak, Basis telah merekayasa ulang optical heart rate engine dengan desain sensor yang lebih kuat untuk meningkatkan akurasi dan konsistensi. Peak juga terus memantau gerakan, keringat dan suhu kulit. Pendekatan multi-sensor, dikombinasikan dengan teknologi 'BodyIQ' milik Basis, memungkinkan Peak untuk secara otomatis mendeteksi aktivitas berjalan, berlari, bersepeda, fase tidur, kualitas tidur dan banyak lagi. Bahkan dengan sensor yang bekerja setiap hari, Peak mempertahankan daya tahan baterai hingga empat hari, tantangan bagi banyak perangkat wearable lain di pasar saat ini.

Basis Peak juga tahan air hingga 5ATM, cukup untuk dibawa berenang, dan mampu menampilkan notifikasi smartwatch, seperti panggilan masuk dan teks, dari smartphone iOS atau Android, sebuah fitur yang akan diperkenalkan di masa depan.

"Sejak produk pertama kami, Basis terus menetapkan standar yang tinggi dari data yang kaya dan wawasan bagi kebugaran dan tidur" kata Jef Holove, general manager dari Basis. "Sekarang dengan Peak, kami telah mencapai tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari kinerja dan fungsionalitas yang diperluas, memberikan semuanya dalam satu perangkat untuk membantu orang hidup lebih sehat di siang dan malam hari, di tempat kerja atau bekerja diluar."

"Dengan kita mendorong inovasi dalam teknologi wearable, Intel yakin bahwa perbaikan teknologi di generasi berikutnya dari produk Basis akan membantu memenuhi janji itu," kata Michael Bell, corporate vice president dan general manager dari New Devices Group di Intel. "Dengan diperkenalkannya Peak, Basis telah memperluas batas-batas pelacakan kebugaran dan tidur yang dapat dilakukan dengan memberikan informasi dan data yang benar-benar bisa ditindaklanjuti oleh para penggunanya yang akan merubah dan meningkatkan kebiasaan sehari-hari mereka."


Next Generation Product Improves Accuracy in Heart Rate Monitoring in a Sleek Touchscreen Form Factor; First Product Introduction Since Intel Acquisition

San Francisco – September 30, 2014 – Basis (, an Intel company and leader in wearable device technologies for fitness, sleep and wellness applications, announced today the next generation Basis Peak™ fitness and sleep tracker. Featuring a sleek new touchscreen design and improved sensor technology, Peak provides 24/7 heart rate monitoring, including during exercise, without the need for a chest strap. With Peak, Basis carries through its unique combination of automatic activity tracking, advanced sleep analysis and a healthy habits user experience designed to enable real behavior change, delivering the most comprehensive picture of fitness and sleep of any product in the category.

Available in November, Basis Peak will retail for $199.99 and builds upon previous Basis models to provide better performance, increased functionality and an improved physical design. In developing Peak, Basis has reengineered its optical heart rate engine with more powerful sensor design for improved accuracy and consistency. Peak also continuously monitors movement, perspiration and skin temperature. This multi-sensor approach, combined with Basis’ BodyIQ technology, enables Peak to automatically detect walking, running, biking, sleep phases, sleep quality and more. Even with these sensors working 24/7, Peak maintains a battery life of up to four days, a challenge for many other wearable devices on the market today. Peak boasts water resistance to 5ATM, enough to withstand swimming, and is capable of displaying smartwatch notifications, like incoming calls and texts, from an iOS or Android phone, a feature that will be introduced in the future.

“Since our first product, Basis has continued to set a high standard of rich data and insights for both fitness and sleep,” said Jef Holove, general manager of Basis. “Now with Peak, we’ve achieved an even higher level of performance and extended functionality, delivering an all-in-one device to help people live healthier day and night, at work or working out.”

“As we drive innovation in wearable technology, Intel is confident that the technology improvements in the next generation Basis product help deliver on that promise,” said Michael Bell, corporate vice president and general manager of Intel’s New Devices Group. “With the introduction of Peak, Basis has expanded the boundaries of what a fitness and sleep tracker can do by delivering truly actionable information and data to its users that changes and improves their daily habits.”

Integrating Advanced Technology in a Sleek Design
Peak incorporates extensive technology and engineering improvements while leveraging the best of Basis’ advanced fitness and sleep tracking capabilities. Features include:

Intelligent Activity and Sleep Tracking with BodyIQ – The intelligence built into the original Basis fitness and sleep tracking system will carry over into Peak. This includes its BodyIQ technology, with proprietary algorithms, that allows for automatic tracking of sleep and physical activities (walking, running and biking) as well as Advanced Sleep Analysis which includes REM, Deep and Light Sleep, Toss-and-Turn, Interruptions and Sleep Quality.

Premium and Customizable Design – Peak sports a sleek design and forged aluminum body with a Gorilla Glass 3TM touch screen – water resistant to 5ATM – and soft breathable silicone straps that are customizable. Basis will initially offer Peak in two options: a matte black module with black and red-accented straps, and a brushed silver module with white and gray-accented straps. Standard 23mm watch strap attachments also allow users to customize with a band of their choice.

Healthy Habits System - Not only will Peak continue to automatically track healthy activities, but it will award credit through the Basis healthy habits system, designed to help users incorporate small, healthy changes to their daily routines. Helping users set tangible goals like going to sleep at the same time each night or standing up from their desk once an hour during the day, the healthy habits system automatically adjusts based on a user’s progress to ensure that goals are reachable, and habits sustainable.

Smartwatch Notifications - Peak is capable of displaying smartwatch notifications, including alerts for incoming calls and texts, from an iOS or Android smartphone. This feature will be a free future upgrade to all Peak customers, and these notification capabilities will be expanded over time. The band is also equipped with a vibration motor for such alerts.

Optimized for Mobile - The Basis iOS and Android apps will power device set-up and display data throughout the day. In addition to basic metrics such as steps, calories, and BodyIQ fitness and sleep activities, the mobile app will display rich sleep, activity and habit insights to keep users on track.

Peak will be available through select U.S. retailers, including Amazon, Best Buy and REI, as well as Peak will also be available in Canada and the UK by the holidays.

Previous Basis bands, including the B1 and Carbon Steel Edition, will be supported but no longer available for purchase. User accounts and data will carry over for owners who choose to transition to Peak for their tracking needs.

For more information about Basis Peak, accessories, free web, iOS and Android apps, and the latest product updates, please visit:

About Basis
Basis, an Intel company, makes advanced fitness and sleep trackers. The wrist-based trackers and mobile dashboard help people easily incorporate healthy habits into their daily routine. Basis leverages four types of sensors in its lightweight, customizable design to calculate steps taken, calories burned and sleep quality, as well as physiological metrics like heart rate. Basis’ Body IQ technology automatically captures activities like walking, running and biking as well as sleep.
