Aplikasi Samsung Gear 2 menjadi pemenang hackathon di Dreamforce 2014

Dengan pidato penuh wawasan dari para pemimpin industri dan pertunjukan yang mempesona dari selebriti, Dreamforce telah menjadi konferensi B2B utama yang telah menarik ratusan ribu pengunjung setiap tahun. Salah satu acara utama di Dreamforce adalah hackathon, sebuah kompetisi pengembangan aplikasi untuk pengembang. Untuk tahun ini, 300 tim dan 700 orang berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi 48 jam pada tanggal 10 Oktober kemarin untuk mengembangkan aplikasi mobile melalui teknologi Salesforce.

Kompetisi ini dibagi menjadi tiga kategori 'Build an app with Force.com', 'Build an app with Heroku', 'Build and app with Force.com + Heroku.'

Hackathon ini ditargetkan untuk aplikasi mobile untuk bisnis serta masyarakat umum dan pelanggan korporat. Tim yang mengembangkan aplikasi mobile yang paling inovatif di setiap divisi dianugerahi hadiah $100.000, dan pemenang hadiah grand prize memenangkan $150.000.

Tim Engage yang menjadi pemenang, mengembangkan aplikasi menggunakan Gear 2, dan pengetahuan teknik mereka. Gagasan mereka memenangkan tempat pertama dari Samsung dan juga memenangkan tempat pertama dalam kategori 'Build an app with Force.com' dengan penghargaan sebesar $100.000.

Aplikasi mobile buatan tim Engage untuk Samsung Gear 2 memungkinkan karyawan untuk mengakses informasi dan untuk menghasilkan kinerja yang lebih baik ketika mereka menerima panggilan terutama di luar kantor. Terintegrasi dengan sistem Salesforce CRM, aplikasi menangkap data penting pelanggan, log panggilan masuk dan keluar secara otomatis, dan menampilkan widget pada Gear 2 yang menyediakan tenaga penjualan dengan informasi yang relevan tentang pemanggil.

Tim Engage juga mempromosikan solusi mereka di stan Samsung. Mereka juga mendirikan perusahaan baru untuk mengkomersialkan solusi mereka (www.engagecall.com)

App Name
Features Description
Sales representative receives customer calls out of the office and can see customer-related information displayed on Samsung Gear2 through Salesforce.com’s CRM solutions. This app can enhance sales operation more efficiently and contribute to business success.

Untuk tenaga penjualan B2B yang bekerja di luar kantor, aplikasi ini memungkinkan mereka merespon pertanyaan dan permintaan dari pelanggan mereka ketika mereka berada jauh dari meja mereka. Menggunakan perangkat wearable dengan cara ini meningkatkan efisiensi kerja dan kualitas dan dapat mengharapkan umpan balik yang baik dari pasar.

Startup Wins Hackathon with a Samsung Gear 2 App at Dreamforce 2014

With insightful speeches from industry leaders and dazzling performances from celebrities, Dreamforce is the major B2B conference and event of the season that has been attracting hundreds of thousands attendees annually. One of the feature events at Dreamforce is its hackathon, an app development competition for developers; this year, 300 teams and 700 people participated in the 48-hour competition on October 10 to develop a mobile app on Salesforce technology.

The competition was divided into three categories ‘Build an app with Force.com’, ‘Build an app with Heroku’, ‘Build and app with Force.com + Heroku.’

The hackathon was targeted towards mobile apps for business as well as the general public and corporate customers. The team that developed the most innovative mobile apps in each division was awarded a $100,000 prize, and the grand prizewinner won $150,000.

The Engage team developed a winning app, using a Gear 2, and their engineering knowledge. Their idea won first place from Samsung and also went on to win first place in the ‘Build an app with Force.com’ category with an award of $100,000.

The Engage team’s mobile app for Samsung Gear 2 enables workers to access information and to generate better performance when they receive calls especially out of office. Integrated with the Salesforce CRM system, the app captures critical customer data, logs incoming and outgoing calls automatically, and displays widgets on the Gear 2 that provides salespeople with relevant information about the caller.

The Engage team promoted their solutions at the Samsung booth. Also, the Engage team established new company to commercialize solutions (Company Engage, www.engagecall.com)

App Name
Features Description
Sales representative receives customer calls out of the office and can see customer-related information displayed on Samsung Gear2 through Salesforce.com’s CRM solutions. This app can enhance sales operation more efficiently and contribute to business success.

For B2B salespeople working out of the office, this app lets them respond to inquiries and requests of their customers when they are away from their desks. Using wearable devices in this manner improves work efficiency and quality and can expect good feedback from the market.

Dreamforce Overview

Samsung Electronics attended Dreamforce 2014 in San Francisco this year from October 13-16. Held at the San Francisco City Center, the 12th annual event was a huge success with 140,000 attendees. Over 450 companies were represented including Accenture, Deloitte, IBM, and PWC, etc.

Annually held for Salesforce.com customers, developers and other B2B companies, Dreamforce is a colorful event with celebrities, speeches and performances showcasing Salesforce.com as a global leader with various enterprise solutions including CRM.

In addition to combining industry vision, product specialists and world class leaders, valuable business perspectives and opportunities to network, it is not an exaggeration to call this major influential B2B event – which focused on “the future of cloud, social, mobile and connected technologies and how companies are connecting with customers in a whole new way” – as the most prominent software event of the season.

Samsung Electronics’ Participation

Samsung Electronics participated in Dreamforce for the first time this year with the Samsung Galaxy Tab Active and wearable device ‘Gear series’ for enterprise solutions. Samsung Electronics demonstrated how these devices could be linked with the Salesforce solution for field workers, including the ability to make annotations directly on photos using the S-pen and PDA/GPS integration, which received great attention from the customers.

Via Samsung Tomorrow
