32 Perusahaan bergabung sebagai anggota OIC, konsorsium IoT yang didirikan Samsung dan Intel

Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC) hari ini mengumumkan penunjukan dewan direksi dan 27 perusahaan anggota baru untuk total 32 anggota. Dengan fokus pada keterbukaan dan partisipasi, pemimpin industri dari Cisco, Intel, MediaTek dan Samsung Electronics akan bekerja sama untuk menentukan standarisasi konektivitas untuk meningkatkan interoperabilitas antara miliaran perangkat yang membentuk Internet of Things (IoT).

Sejak Atmel, Dell, Intel, Samsung Electronics dan Wind River mendirikan OIC pada bulan Juli yang lalu, 27 perusahaan anggota baru telah berkomitmen untuk membangun standarisasi dengan persyaratan lisensi yang jelas untuk menjawab tantangan IoT saat ini. Perusahaan anggota baru termasuk Acer, ActnerLab, Allion, Aepona, Cisco, Cryptosoft Ltd, Eyeball Networks, Global Channel Resource, Gluu, IIOT Foundation, InFocus, Laplink Software, Mashery, McAfee, MediaTek, Metago, NewAer, Nitero, OSS Nokalva Inc., Realtek Semiconductor Corp., Remo Software, Roost, SmartThings, Samsung Electro-Mechanics, Thug Design, VMC dan Zula.

Dewan direksi OIC diambil dari perusahaan yang mencakup berbagai segmen industri secara vertikal termasuk Smart Home dan solusi office, peralatan rumah tangga dan perangkat untuk konsumen, telekomunikasi, perusahaan teknologi dan banyak lagi. Kepemimpinan dari teknologi yang beragam ini akan membantu memastikan spesifikasi OIC dan implementasi open source akan mendorong desain produk yang cerdas, handal dan pertukaran informasi yang dikelola dengan aman tanpa tergantung pada faktor bentuk, sistem operasi atau penyedia layanan.

"Kami mengikuti jalan inovasi yang sudah terbukti dengan OIC, dengan mendorong kolaborasi industri yang luas, dan anggota dewan kami mewakili komitmen kami untuk memberikan standarisasi di berbagai sektor pasar menghadapi tantangan dari tren teknologi IoT yang muncul," kata Jong- Deok Choi, wakil presiden eksekutif dan wakil dari kepala Software R&D Center di Samsung Electronics dan presiden OIC. "Kepemimpinan kami dan keanggotaan yang tumbuh akan menciptakan satu standar untuk memecahkan tantangan konektivitas dan interoperabilitas dalam rangka mendukung miliaran perangkat terhubung yang datang secara online."

Dewan Direksi Open Interconnect Consortium meliputi:
  • Presiden: Jong-Deok Choi, wakil presiden eksekutif dan wakil dari kepala Software R&D Center di Samsung Electronics
  • Wakil Presiden: Imad Sousou, wakil presiden dari Software and Services Group dan general manager dari Intel Open Source Technology Center di Intel Corporation
  • Sekretaris: Bernard Shung, general manager untuk pengembangan bisnis baru di MediaTek
  • Bendahara: Kip Compton, wakil presiden untuk IoT Systems and Software Group di Cisco

Open Interconnect Consortium Names Board Leadership and 27 New Member Companies

Industry leaders from a broad range of markets join together to connect the Internet of Things

PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 2, 2014 — The Open Interconnect Consortium, Inc. (OIC) today announced the appointment of its board of directors and 27 new member companies for a total of 32 members. With a focus on openness and participation, industry leaders from Cisco Systems Inc., Intel Corporation, MediaTek and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. are working together to define the connectivity requirements to improve interoperability between the billions of devices making up the Internet of Things (IoT).

Since Atmel, Dell, Intel, Samsung Electronics and Wind River founded the OIC in July, 27 new member companies have committed to establishing a standard with clear licensing terms to address current IoT challenges. New member companies include Acer, ActnerLab, Allion, Aepona, Cisco, Cryptosoft Ltd, Eyeball Networks, Global Channel Resource, Gluu, IIOT Foundation, InFocus, Laplink Software, Mashery, McAfee, MediaTek, Metago, NewAer, Nitero, OSS Nokalva Inc., Realtek Semiconductor Corp., Remo Software, Roost, SmartThings, Samsung Electro-Mechanics, Thug Design, VMC and Zula.

The OIC board of directors is drawn from companies that span a broad range of industry vertical segments including smart home and office solutions, consumer appliances and devices, telecommunications, enterprise technology and more. This diverse technology leadership will help ensure OIC specifications and open source implementations foster product designs that intelligently, reliably and securely manage and exchange information regardless of form factor, operating system or service provider.

“We are following a proven path of innovation with the OIC, by encouraging industry-wide collaboration, and our board members represent our commitment to provide a standard across a broad range of market sectors facing challenges from emerging IoT technology trends,” said Jong-Deok Choi, executive vice president and deputy head of Software R&D Center, Samsung Electronics and OIC president. “Our leadership and growing membership will create a single standard to solve connectivity and interoperability challenges in order to support the billions of connected devices coming online.”

Open Interconnect Consortium’s board of directors includes:
  • President: Jong-Deok Choi, executive vice president and deputy head of Software R&D Center, Samsung Electronics
  • Vice President: Imad Sousou, vice president, Software and Services Group and general manager, Intel Open Source Technology Center, Intel Corporation
  • Secretary: Bernard Shung, general manager, new business development, MediaTek
  • Treasurer: Kip Compton, vice president, IoT Systems and Software Group, Cisco

For more information, visit www.openinterconnect.org

Supporting Companies
Executive Quote
Michael Chong, Managing Partner, ActnerLab

"ActnerLab is pleased to join the Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC) as a startup accelerator that helps hardware startups establish their initial step on the market and develop into global businesses successfully. We're focusing on emerging hardware innovation areas like the Internet of Things, connected car, health care, wearables and human interface which can be contributed to OIC's activity."
Eyeball Networks
Chris Piche, CEO, Eyeball Networks

"Eyeball Networks is pleased to join the Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC), with other industry leaders, to define device-to-device connectivity requirements among the billions of devices that make up the Internet of Things. As the leading provider of secure, guaranteed connectivity solutions, it's critical we are a part of OIC to develop open standards that will help drive adoption of secure device-to-device connectivity."
Kip Compton, vice president, IoT Systems & Software Group, Cisco

"Cisco sees a 19.6 trillion dollar opportunity in industrial markets and public sector verticals when we use the Internet to create connections between people, process, data and things. Open standards and interoperability are key in growing this vision and Cisco is working with industry-leading partners, customers, standards organizations and consortia, such as the OIC, to achieve the full potential of the Internet of Everything."
Jon Penney, CTO, Cryptosoft

"The broad acceptance by consumers and the industry will require a simple and open framework that assures secure interoperability of data flows between the billions of devices anticipated to make up the Internet of Things. We are pleased to join the Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC), with other industry leaders, to help define device connectivity requirements that will help drive interoperability, innovation and adoption."
IIOT Foundation
Akira Tsuge, Secretary General, IIOT Foundation

"IIOT Foundation is pleased to join the Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC), with other industry leaders, to define device-to-device connectivity requirements to improve interoperability among the billions of devices that make up the Internet of Things. As a leading provider of interoperability test-bed, it's critical we are a part of OIC to develop open standards that will help drive innovation in international interoperability testing."
Raymond Yu, president, InFocus

"With the sheer volume of Internet-connected devices today and inevitable growth in the future, outlining device connectivity standards is critical for improving product interoperability. As the pioneer of visual collaboration solutions, InFocus looks forward to adding our 30 years of experience and expertise to the Open Interconnect Consortium to help develop open requirements that will create a better overall experience for end users and developers."
Kevin Payne, CEO, Metago

"Metago is excited to be a part of the new Open Interconnect Consortium. Our goal is to help users be able to find, manage, and share their digital data between any devices, both their own devices and their friends devices. The OIC's goal of helping all devices on the Internet connect and communicate with each other fits perfectly with our vision.  We think the whole Internet and therefore the whole world will benefit from the work that is being done by the OIC and we are grateful to be a part of that." 
Pat Kelly, CEO, Nitero

"New connectivity options will play a key role in the growth of the Internet of Things, determining how billions of devices will interoperate in the future. WiGig is the only connectivity solution that can deliver multi-gigabit throughput for IoT applications that require high bandwidth. As a leader in high performance, low power 60GHz Wi-Fi, Nitero is pleased to join the Open Interconnect Consortium and contribute our WiGig expertise to the development of a common connectivity standard."
Thug Design
Damon Sullivan, CEO, Thug Design

"Thug Design is pleased to join the Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC) to not just help define industry standards that connect billions of devices but to also enable meaningful experiences through the devices that connect people together. We believe OIC is exactly what the industry as a whole needs to make the leap to next the paradigm shift of not just connecting devices, but connecting people. From our core Thug is a user experience driven, research-based design firm and feel we can bring much to the table for the next generation of interconnected experiences."
Doug Dorweiler, Director of Technology Solutions and Services, VMC

"VMC is thrilled to be the first service provider invited to participate in the Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC). We embrace the opportunity to apply our expertise in hardware and software quality assurance into the world of connected devices."
Samsung Electronics
Jong-Deok Choi, OIC president and executive vice president & deputy head of Software R&D Center, Samsung Electronics 

"Samsung welcomes our newest Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC) members to help usher in a new era of seamless and scalable connectivity for the billions of devices that make up the Internet of Things. We believe an interoperable communication standard, that works across all consumer electronics device categories, is important not only to our business and customers, but critical to the growth of the entire industry."

About Open Interconnect Consortium
The Open Interconnect Consortium, a Delaware non-profit corporation, is being founded by leading technology companies with the goal of defining the connectivity requirements and ensuring interoperability of the billions of devices that will make up the emerging Internet of Things (IoT). To learn more, visit www.openinterconnect.org or email info@openinterconnect.org.

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