Samsung Electronics hari ini mengumumkan kemitraan dengan Diesel Black Gold di acara kolaborasi unik yang menampilkan Samsung Gear S. Kemitraan antara Samsung dan Diesel Black Gold mewujudkan kolaborasi antara teknologi inovatif yang stylish dengan ekosfer fashion kontemporer yang unik.
Andreas Melbostad, direktur kreatif Diesel Black Gold, telah menafsirkan Samsung Gear S yang revolusioner dengan serangkaian aksesoris yang disesuaikan, yang akan debut di pagelaran busana untuk musim semi/panas 2015. Dengan menggunakan teknologi inovatif dari Samsung Gear S sebagai landasan, tim kreatif di Diesel Black Gold menciptakan koleksi potongan-potongan unik, dalam berbagai bentuk, warna dan detail, semua ditandai dengan karakter ikon label kontemporer mutakhir. Elemen dari 15 koleksi SS, terinspirasi oleh bintang rock New Wave yang sangat stylish dan idola rock yang tangguh, telah digunakan untuk memberikan karakter yang tajam ke perangkat, yang ditandai dengan bahan kulit dan logam.
"Kami berkomitmen untuk mengembangkan kolaborasi dengan merek fashion yang menginspirasi dan memberdayakan masyarakat untuk mengekspresikan gaya pribadi mereka," kata Lee Young-hee, Executive Vice President Global Marketing, Divisi IT & Mobile di Samsung. "Kerjasama kami dengan Diesel Black Gold sangat penting karena lebih menampilkan penyatuan fashion dan teknologi, dan cara di mana perangkat wearable terus menjadi lebih terjalin dalam kehidupan sehari-hari."
Andreas Melbostad berkomentar "Saya ingin mengambil Gear S dan menyuntikkan DNA Diesel Black Gold. Ini telah menjadi tantangan inspirasi untuk membuat versi pribadi dari perangkat ini membuatnya menjadi perpanjangan dari kepribadian dan ekspresi individual."
Samsung dan Diesel juga akan berkolaborasi untuk membuat 360 video dari pagelaran Diesel Black Gold untuk dimainkan di Samsung Gear VR. Ketika dimainkan di Gear VR, konten akan memberikan pengalaman menonton mendalam dan unik dari pertunjukan.
Samsung partners with Diesel Black Gold to design exclusive show pieces featuring the Samsung Gear S
NEW YORK, NY – September 9, 2014 – Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. today announced the partnership with Diesel Black Gold on a unique show collaboration featuring the new Samsung Gear S. The partnership between Samsung and Diesel Black Gold embodies the union of innovative, design-conscious technologies with a contemporary and unique fashion ecosphere.
Andreas Melbostad, creative director of Diesel Black Gold, has interpreted the revolutionary Samsung Gear S with a series of customized accessories, which will debut down the runway of the brand’s Spring/Summer 2015 show. By using the innovative technology of the Samsung Gear S as a foundation, the creative team at Diesel Black Gold created a collection of unique pieces, in different shapes, colors and details, all characterized by the iconic attitude of the advanced contemporary label. Elements of the SS 15 collection, inspired by highly stylized New Wave rock stars and tough rockabilly heroines, have been used to give a sharp attitude to the device, characterized by signature leather and metal details.
“We are committed to developing collaborations with brands that inspire fashion and empower people to express their personal style,” said Younghee Lee, Executive Vice President of Global Marketing, IT& Mobile Division at Samsung. “Our partnership with Diesel Black Gold is very crucial as it further showcases the union of fashion and technology, and the way in which wearable devices continue to become more intertwined in daily life.”
Andreas Melbostad commented "I wanted to take the Gear S and inject the DNA of Diesel Black Gold. It has been an inspiring challenge to create a personalized version of this device making it an extension of the person and individual expression."
Samsung and Diesel will also collaborate to make a 360 video of the Diesel Black Gold runway show to play on the Samsung Gear VR. When played on the Gear VR, the content will provide an immersive and unique viewing experience of the show.
About Samsung Gear S and Gear VR
Designed with an elegant, curved Super AMOLED display and flexible band, Samsung Gear S fits comfortably on user’s wrist. Through 3G connectivity, the Samsung Gear S offers a new, powerful wearable experience and gives consumers the freedom to live their life on the go. The Samsung Gear VR delivers an unrivaled viewing experience with the 5.7 inch Quad HD Super AMOLED display of the Galaxy Note 4 providing stunning and engaging visuals at a mobile-leading resolution. Further information can be found at
Designed with an elegant, curved Super AMOLED display and flexible band, Samsung Gear S fits comfortably on user’s wrist. Through 3G connectivity, the Samsung Gear S offers a new, powerful wearable experience and gives consumers the freedom to live their life on the go. The Samsung Gear VR delivers an unrivaled viewing experience with the 5.7 inch Quad HD Super AMOLED display of the Galaxy Note 4 providing stunning and engaging visuals at a mobile-leading resolution. Further information can be found at
About Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a global leader in technology, opening new possibilities for people everywhere. Through relentless innovation and discovery, we are transforming the worlds of TVs, smartphones, tablets, PCs, cameras, home appliances, printers, LTE systes, medical devices, semiconductors and LED solutions. We employ 286,000 people across 80 countries with annual sales of US$216.7 billion. To discover more, please visit
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a global leader in technology, opening new possibilities for people everywhere. Through relentless innovation and discovery, we are transforming the worlds of TVs, smartphones, tablets, PCs, cameras, home appliances, printers, LTE systes, medical devices, semiconductors and LED solutions. We employ 286,000 people across 80 countries with annual sales of US$216.7 billion. To discover more, please visit
About Diesel Black Gold
Diesel Black Gold is the finest expression of Diesel's heritage. The line, designed by Andreas Melbostad, takes its parent brand's irreverent attitude and innovative techniques to new heights of quality and refinement; it expresses the brand's DNA and translates it into the territory of advanced contemporary fashion.
Diesel Black Gold is the finest expression of Diesel's heritage. The line, designed by Andreas Melbostad, takes its parent brand's irreverent attitude and innovative techniques to new heights of quality and refinement; it expresses the brand's DNA and translates it into the territory of advanced contemporary fashion.
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