Samsung Electronics hari ini mengumumkan akuisisi PrinterOn®, pelopor dalam solusi pencetakan mobile cloud yang berbasis di Ontario, Kanada. Akuisisi ini diharapkan dapat memperkuat ekspansi ekosistem mobile Samsung, khususnya untuk pelanggan perusahaan B2B, serta kepemimpinan Samsung yang berkelanjutan dalam standarisasi pencetakan mobile sebagai anggota pendiri Aliansi Mopria. PrinterOn akan beroperasi secara independen, sepenuhnya dimiliki anak perusahaan dari Samsung Electronics Canada (SECA).
"Kami sangat gembira bahwa PrinterOn telah menjadi bagian dari Tim Samsung," kata Gregory Lee, Presiden di kantor pusat Samsung Electronics Amerika Utara. "PrinterOn memiliki sejarah panjang inovasi dan pemahaman yang mendalam mengenai solusi berbasis cloud mobile."
Mengingat proliferasi yang cepat dari smartphone dan tablet di sekolah dan kantor, solusi PrinterOn telah dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan yang berkembang untuk solusi pencetakan mobile yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk mencetak dari perangkat mobile untuk printer yang mereka pilih, sementara juga menjadi sederhana dan mudah untuk digunakan. Solusi tersebut meliputi, antara lain, rendering dokumen berkualitas tinggi dalam berbagai format, metode multiple print submission dan print job delivery, dan dukungan sistem operasi mobile terpenting. Selain itu, PrinterOn juga menawarkan layanan direktori berbasis cloud yang unik yang memungkinkan antarmuka yang aman untuk perangkat mobile dan server cloud swasta dan publik.
"Kami sangat senang menjadi bagian dari Samsung Electronics Kanada," kata Angus Cunningham, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) dan Presiden PrinterOn. "Akuisisi ini akan memungkinkan solusi PrinterOn untuk dimasukkan ke ekosistem mobile Samsung, memungkinkan adopsi teknologi unik PrinterOn dan menyediakan solusi mobilitas perangkat agnostik untuk dunia yang semakin mobile."
Solusi PrinterOn telah menyebar di seluruh dunia di lebih dari 120 negara di kantor, hotel, universitas dan perpustakaan. Sejak dimulai pada tahun 2000, pengguna PrinterOn telah mencetak lebih dari 80 juta halaman.
PrinterOn’s mobile cloud printing solutions to complement Samsung’s mobile ecosystem, building upon Samsung’s pioneering mobile printing initiatives
Samsung Electronics announced its acquisition of PrinterOn®, a pioneer in mobile cloud printing solutions based in Ontario. The acquisition is expected to reinforce Samsung’s expansive mobile ecosystem, particularly for the company’s B2B customers, as well as further Samsung’s leadership in the standardization of mobile printing as a founding member of the Mopria Alliance. PrinterOn will operate as an independent, wholly-owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Canada (SECA).
“We are very excited that PrinterOn has become a part of the Samsung Team,” said Gregory Lee, President of Samsung Electronics North America Headquarters. “PrinterOn has a long history of innovation and a deep understanding of mobile cloud-based solutions.”
In light of the rapid proliferation of smartphones and tablets in schools and offices, PrinterOn’s solutions have been designed to meet a growing need for mobile printing solutions that allow users to print from any mobile device to any printer they choose, while also being simple and easy to use. Such solutions include, among others, high quality document rendering in multiple formats, multiple print submission and print job delivery methods, and key mobile operating system support. Additionally, PrinterOn also offers a unique cloud-based directory service that enables a secure interface to mobile devices and private and public cloud servers.
“We are pleased to become part of Samsung Electronics Canada,” said Angus Cunningham, Chief Executive Officer and President of PrinterOn. “This acquisition will allow PrinterOn solutions to be incorporated into the Samsung mobile ecosystem, enabling widespread adoption of PrinterOn’s unique technology and providing device agnostic mobility solutions for an increasingly mobile world.”
PrinterOn solutions have been deployed worldwide in over 120 countries at offices, hotels, universities and libraries. Since its inception in 2000, users of PrinterOn have printed over 80 million pages.
About Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a global leader in technology, opening new possibilities for people everywhere. Through relentless innovation and discovery, we are transforming the worlds of TVs, smartphones, tablets, PCs, cameras, home appliances, printers, LTE systems, medical devices, semiconductors and LED solutions. We employ 286,000 people across 80 countries with annual sales of US$216.7 billion. To discover more, please visit
About PrinterOn Inc.
PrinterOn is the world's leading enterprise-grade mobile printing platform. For over 14 years, PrinterOn has been delivering mobile printing solutions to enterprise, education and public printing locations. PrinterOn was the first to develop a cloud printing solution and uses the power of cloud technology to enable users to print documents from any smartphone, tablet or laptop. PrinterOn solutions have been deployed in enterprises, hotels, airports, universities and libraries in over 120 countries. Since its inception in 2000, users of PrinterOn have printed over 80 million pages.
SOURCE Samsung Electronics Canada Inc.
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