CEO Samsung BK Yoon kembali jadi pembicara utama untuk memperkenalkan Smart Home di CES 2015

Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) hari ini mengumumkan bahwa Yoon Boo-keun (BK Yoon), Presiden dan CEO Samsung Electronics akan menyampaikan pidato utama (keynote) pada 2015 International CES (CES 2015). CES adalah pameran elektronik terbesar di dunia yang selalui diadakan di awal tahun antara tanggal 6-9 Januari 2015 di Las Vegas. Pameran yang dimiliki dan diproduksi oleh CEA ini selalui menandai tren teknologi sepanjang tahun yang bersangkutan.

CEO Yoon dijadwalkan untuk membahas perangkat yang terhubung, masa depan Internet of Things (IoT) dan visi Smart Home selama keynote CES 2015. Dia juga akan fokus pada visi kemitraan strategis Samsung yang akan mendorong gelombang berikutnya untuk terobosan teknologi. Pidatonya dijadwalkan berlangsung pada hari Senin, 5 Januari pukul 18:30 waktu setempat di Ballroom Palazzo di Venesia.

"Samsung secara luas dikenal untuk teknologi dan model bisnis yang disruptif, dan telah menjadi salah satu merek CE dengan pertumbuhan tercepat di dunia," kata Gary Shapiro, Presiden dan CEO dari CEA. "Samsung menakjubkan di setiap CES dengan produk yang inovatif yang mencakup ekosistem teknologi menyeluruh. Kami menyambut BK Yoon kembali ke panggung utama untuk CES 2015."

BK Yoon memulai karirnya di Samsung Electronics pada tahun 1978. Setelah menjalani di sejumlah posisi kepemimpinan di Samsung Electronics, BK Yoon menuju Samsung Visual Display Business mulai 2007, yang membuat Samsung Electronics memperoleh pendapatan dobel dan tetap menjaga pangsa pasar TV global nomor 1 selama delapan tahun berturut-turut. Saat ini, BK Yoon menjabat sebagai Presiden dan CEO dari divisi Consumer Electronics (CE) di Samsung Electronics, memimpin Samsung Visual Display, Samsung Digital Appliances, Samsung Printing Solutions and Samsung Health & Medical Equipment Business. Selain itu, BK Yoon juga bertindak sebagai Chief Design Officer di Samsung.

Menurut penelitian CEA/GfK, belanja teknologi konsumen global akan atas lebih dari $1 triliun pada 2015. Banyak dipuji karena desain yang inovatif dan teknologi di seluruh portofolio produk yang beragam, Samsung Electronics adalah merek global terkemuka untuk elektronik berteknologi tinggi, dan media digital.

CES 2015 akan menampilkan lebih dari 3.500 peserta pameran yang akan memperkenalkan produk teknologi konsumen terbaru dan layanan di seluruh ekosistem teknologi konsumen. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang CES 2015, kunjungi

Samsung President and CEO BK Yoon to Deliver Keynote Address at the 2015 International CES to discuss Internet of Things and Samsung’s vision for smart home

ARLINGTON, Va.--(Tizen Indonesia)--The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)® today announced that Boo-Keun Yoon, president and CEO of Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., will deliver a keynote address at the 2015 International CES®. Owned and produced by CEA, the 2015 International CES, the world’s gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies, returns to Las Vegas, January 6-9, 2015.

Yoon is slated to discuss connected devices, the future of the Internet of Things and the vision of the smart home during his 2015 CES keynote. He also will focus on Samsung’s vision of strategic partnerships that will drive the next wave of technology breakthroughs. His address is slated for 6:30 PM Monday, January 5 in the Palazzo Ballroom at the Venetian.

“Samsung is widely-known for its disruptive technologies and business models, and has been one of the fastest growing CE brands in the world,” said Gary Shapiro, president and CEO, CEA. “Samsung amazes at each CES with its innovative products spanning the entire tech ecosystem. We welcome Boo-Keun Yoon back to the keynote stage for the 2015 CES.”

Yoon began his career at Samsung Electronics in 1978. After serving in a number of leadership positions at Samsung Electronics, Yoon headed Samsung’s Visual Display Business from 2007, seeing its revenue double while maintaining the company’s No. 1 global TV market share for eight consecutive years. Currently, Boo-Keun Yoon serves as the President and CEO of Consumer Electronics at Samsung Electronics, leading Samsung’s Visual Display, Digital Appliances, Printing Solutions and Health & Medical Equipment Business. In addition, Yoon also acts as the company’s Chief Design Officer.

According to CEA/GfK research, global consumer technology spending will top more than $1 trillion in 2015. Lauded for its innovative design and technology across its diverse portfolio of products, Samsung Electronics is a leading global brand for high-tech electronics and digital media.

The 2015 CES will feature more than 3,500 exhibitors unveiling the latest consumer technology products and services across the entire ecosystem of consumer technologies. For more information on the 2015 CES, visit

About CES:

The International CES is the world’s gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies. It has served as the proving ground for innovators and breakthrough technologies for more than 40 years—the global stage where next-generation innovations are introduced to the marketplace. As the largest hands-on event of its kind, CES features all aspects of the industry. And because it is owned and produced by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), the technology trade association representing the $211 billion U.S. consumer electronics industry, it attracts the world’s business leaders and pioneering thinkers to a forum where the industry’s most relevant issues are addressed. Follow CES online at and through social media:
