Tizen Steering Group hari ini mengumumkan tonggak pertama untuk platform Tizen 3.0 Common. Seperti pada Tizen 2.0, Tizen 3.0 Common mendukung arsitektur IA (Intel x86) dan ARM. Tonggak ini menandai selesainya fitur untuk Tizen 3.0 Common.
Tizen 3.0 Common adalah sebuah platform pengembangan/build/test umum (common) untuk setiap fitur yang akan datang yang mungkin dibutuhkan oleh mobile, IVI, wearable, dan profil lainnya. Tonggak ini akan dirilis setiap kuartal ke depan. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat https://source.tizen.org/release/tizen-common-milestones.
Fitur yang telah terintegrasi dalam tonggak ini meliputi:
- Dukungan 64-bit untuk arsitektur Intel dan ARM
- Web runtime berbasis Crosswalk
- Dukungan multiuser
- Systemd
- Keamanan (Security): sistem three-domain rule untuk SMACK dan Cynara sebagai kerangka otorisasi
- Display Server Wayland
Untuk membangun rilis ini, silakan melihat panduan pengembang. Pre-built image untuk tonggak ini dapat didownload dari sini. Silakan lihat halaman dokumentasi buat flashing perangkat untuk informasi tentang cara menginstal image ini.
Komentar dan umpan balik pada halaman wiki https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/Tizen_3.0 dan diskusi langsung dengan para pengembang pada Tizen dev mailing list.
# | Feature Name | Milestone | Jira details | Status |
1 | New Configuration (Buxton) | Alpha | PTF-33 | Framework implemented. Buxton will need to co-exist with Vconf |
2 | 3D UI & Rendering Engine | Beta | PTF-197 | Build and license issues |
3 | New Bluetooth Framework | Beta | PTF-184 | Need some fixes and API work |
4 | WiFi Framework | Beta | PTF-182 | - |
5 | Crosswalk | Alpha | PTF-39 PTF-40 PTF-41 PTF-150 PTF-123 PTF-111 PTF-108 PTF-100 PTF-89 PTF-86 PTF-38 | Integrated into Tizen. QA ongoing. Not all APIs expected to complete by Alpha. |
6 | Cynara | Alpha | PTF-198 | - |
7 | Multi-user | Alpha | PTF-3 PTF-106 PTF-149 PTF-179 | Integrated into Tizen. Test in progress. |
8 | Smack | Alpha | PTF-200 | Binary Sharing, Three domains, Support mode. Configuration. |
9 | KDBUS | Beta | PTF-15 | |
10 | 64-bit | Beta | PTF-199 | Done for IA; ARM64 not complete |
11 | Wayland | Alpha | PTF-62 | Ready for testing. Lacking ARM support |
12 | EFL Upgrade | Beta | TBA | Need latest upstream version of EFL into Tizen 3.0. |
13 | Accounts & SSO | Beta | PTF-34 | - |
Tizen Steering Group is pleased to announce the first platform milestone of Tizen 3.0 Common. As Tizen 2.0 did, Tizen 3.0 Common supports both IA and ARM architectures. This milestone marks the feature completion for Tizen 3.0 Common.
Tizen 3.0 Common is a common development / build / test platform for any upcoming features that may be needed by mobile, IVI, wearables, and other profiles. Its milestones will be released every quarter going forward. For more information, see https://source.tizen.org/release/tizen-common-milestones.
Features integrated in this milestone include:
- 64-bit support for both Intel and ARM architectures
- Crosswalk-based web runtime
- Multiuser support
- Systemd
- Security: three-domain rule system for SMACK and Cynara as authorization framework
- Wayland display server
To build this release, please refer to the developer guide. Pre-built images for this milestone can be downloaded from here. Please see the documentation page on flashing a device for information on installing this image.
We welcome your comments and feedback on the wiki pages https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/Tizen_3.0 and directly by discussion with the developers on the tizen dev mailing list.
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