Tizen Developer Conference 2014 akan berlangsung pada awal Juni, fokus pada Internet of Things

Acara tahunan terbesar untuk pengembang TIZEN global "Tizen Developer Conference (TDC)" akan kembali diselenggarakan tahun ini. Sama seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, TDC 2014 akan mengambil tempat di Hilton Union Square di San Francisco, California, pada tanggal 2 Juni 2014 sampai 4 Juni 2014.

Tizen Developer Conference yang ketiga adalah konferensi teknis untuk pengembang TIZEN, pengembang aplikasi, ISV, desainer platform, operator, OEM, vendor hardware, vendor software, penggemar open source, dan siapa pun yang terlibat dalam TIZEN.

Pengembangan TIZEN telah difokuskan pada mobile dan in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) beberapa tahun terakhir, dan pada konferensi pengembang tahun lalu berfokus terutama pada pembangunan ekosistem dan pengembangan aplikasi di sekitar platform ini. Pengembangan TIZEN tahun ini akan diperluas diluar mobile dan IVI ke sejumlah perangkat baru, dan acara pengembang tahun ini akan mengeksplorasi dan menciptakan peluang baru di TIZEN di era baru dari Internet of Things (IoT), karena 'TIZEN is the OS of everything.'

This year, the program committee is expanding the scope of the conference and invites submissions on a wide variety of areas related to the use and to the development of Tizen:

Application development and deployment:
  • Upcoming and popular applications (development stories, sharing experiences, etc.)
  • Use of the Tizen API and SDK (tutorials, news, tips and tricks for making great applications, development tools, and helpers)
  • Strategies for developing applications for Tizen devices using HTML5 or Tizen Native
  • Design guidelines and User Experience (different Tizen profiles, form factors, crossing the boundaries between them, and differentiation)
  • Deploying Tizen apps worldwide, including monetization, internationalization, and localization
Device development and use of Tizen profiles: 
  • New devices or profiles and product development stories (experiences, process, challenges, differentiation)
  • Improvements and developments in Tizen hardware adaptation (performance, power, Linux kernel developments, porting process, etc.)
  • Information around supported hardware platforms (tutorials/introductions, improvements/developments, and challenges)
  • Platform tools and process (tutorials/introductions, improvements/developments, tips and tricks, QA etc.)
Tizen project, process, and progress:
  • Platform overview and key components (status and roadmap, profile deep-dives, opportunities)
  • Activity reports from various project areas
  • Future plans on Tizen 3.x, new ideas and suggestions
  • Project challenges and discussions on project and process
  • Outreach - engaging companies, governments, and others
  • Community building and fostering
  • Documentation, artwork, infrastructure

Below is a high level timeline for your reference.

CFP OpenThursday, February 20, 2014
CFP CloseMonday, March 31, 2014
Speaker NotificationsMonday, April 7, 2014
Conference Schedule AnnouncementMonday, April 14, 2014
Via Tizen.org (Terima kasih untuk Olivier Nyssen)
