Setelah beberapa minggu meninjau 160+ sesi diserahkan, panitia program akhirnya selesai menyusun jadwal awal untuk Tizen Developers Conference 2013. Tim panitia telah menciptakan keseimbangan jadwal, berusaha untuk memenuhi kebutuhan komunitas pengembang aplikasi, mereka yang ingin menyebarkan TIZEN pada perangkat mereka, dan komunitas yang sedang mengembangkan TIZEN.
Berikut susunan jadwal sementara Tizen Developer Conference 2013:
- Application development and deployment
- An Overview of the Tizen Native Application Framework
- Basics of HTML5 game development
- Cordova on Tizen Magnolia
- Developer Highlight Presentations: Native App Development for Tizen Devices
- Developer Highlight Presentations: Web App Development for Tizen Devices
- HAXM accelerates Tizen SDK emulator on Windows/Mac
- Highly portable HTML5 games on Tizen
- HTML5 features on Tizen
- Introduction of Tizen SDK minimal web development tools
- Making Tizen Native Apps with the Native UI Framework
- Migration of Existing WebApps to Tizen
- Porting existing PhoneGap apps to Tizen OS
- Porting iOS and Android Applications to Tizen
- Protecting JavaScript Source code in Web Runtime
- Social Platform Concept and Demo: beyond Tizen 2.x
- Tizen Design Guideline and User Experience
- Tizen supporting Enablers and Game Engines
- Tizen Web Device API Hands-On Lab
- Tizen. Using the Smart Approach to Attract Apps
- WebGL & WebSockets for 3D Multi-Platform Multiplayer Gaming
- Write Your "Angry Bird" Game on Tizen for Fun and Profit
- Platform and device development
- Accelerated HTML5 Rendering for the Tizen Platform
- Audio management for Tizen IVI
- Best Practice for Tizen Platform: from code to device
- Content Security Framework
- Experiences Developing a Wayland Based Tizen IVI HMI
- Fixing the leaking tap -- power management enabling and tuning for IA Tizen phone
- Hardening WebKit2
- How to embrace wayland for tizen
- It May Be Simple But How Is It Useful, Smack Me Now
- Next generation BlueZ & Bluetooth Smart devices
- Performance optimization of Tizen Webkit: Memory and Graphics
- Rendering Quality in WebKit's Open Source Graphics Stack
- Tizen Download & Go for IVI
- Tizen Input Service Framework Overview
- Tizen Telephony Framework in Tizen 2.1: what’s new?
- Tizen Web Runtime Update
- Tizen project, process, and progress
- Approach of In-Vehicle Infotainment development on open source software
- Security Analysis of Native Applications for the Tizen platform
- The Tizen Development Model
- Tizen Compliance Tests (TCT)
- Tizen Overview and Architecture
- Tizen Store introduction
- Web Infrastructure
- Web OS opportunities and challenges in China market
"Karena masih bersifat sementara, daftar susunan acara di atas masih bisa berubah. Setelah pembicara mengkonfirmasi kehadiran mereka, panitia akan merampungkan rincian yang final," catat Thiago Macieira mewakili panitia program dalam posting di blog resmi Tizen Project.
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