Samsung rilis ADT Home Security

Samsung Electronics dan ADT LLC, penyedia keamanan bisnis dan rumah terkemuka, bersama-sama mengumumkan solusi keamanan kehidupan profesional baru yang didukung oleh platform SmartThings. Dengan kecerdasan dan konektivitas Samsung dan pemantauan profesional ADT yang tak tertandingi, sistem Samsung SmartThings ADT home security adalah keamanan DIY yang aman, termudah, dan paling fleksibel dan solusi rumah pintar (smart home) yang tersedia untuk keluarga saat ini.

Terdiri dari Home Security Starter Kit dan Home Safety Expansion Pack, solusi baru dari Samsung dan ADT memberi konsumen kemampuan untuk menciptakan rumah yang aman dan terlindungi serta mengembangkan ekosistem rumah mereka yang terhubung seiring kebutuhan mereka yang terus berkembang - semuanya didukung oleh pemantauan profesional ADT tanpa kontrak jangka panjang.

"Kami tahu dari penelitian bahwa keamanan dan keselamatan rumah adalah alasan utama mengapa konsumen mengadopsi teknologi smart home," kata Bill Lee, Vice President, Smart Home Product Marketing, Samsung Electronics America. "Kolaborasi dengan ADT memungkinkan kami menghubungkan ekosistem Samsung SmartThings kami dengan nama yang paling terpercaya dalam keselamatan hidup sehingga konsumen merasa tenang mengetahui bahwa seseorang siap bereaksi terhadap insiden di rumah hanya dalam waktu singkat."

Dasar sistem DIY yang baru adalah Home Security Starter Kit, yang mencakup Security Hub, Two Door and Window Detectors, serta Motion Detector. Ukuran sistem dapat diperluas dengan sensor tambahan sesuai kebutuhan, termasuk deteksi kebakaran, karbon monoksida dan air dengan penambahan Home Safety Expansion Pack. Panel layar sentuh ADT Security Hub juga berfungsi sebagai SmartThings Hub sehingga pengguna dapat mengendalikan dan memantau ratusan perangkat pintar pihak ketiga, seperti kunci pintu dan bel pintu, termostat, bola lampu dan banyak lagi - sehingga mudah menyesuaikan kombinasi tak terbatas untuk perangkat di rumah untuk bekerja sama, tanpa membutuhkan hardware tambahan. Dari aplikasi mobile SmartThings yang kompatibel dengan Android dan iOS, konsumen dapat dengan mudah mengelola perangkat dan sensor ini, menyiapkan rutinitas, dan menerima peringatan berdasarkan preferensi mereka.

Semua fitur keamanan dan keselamatan jiwa dapat didukung oleh pemantauan profesional ADT. Konsumen memiliki kemampuan untuk mendaftar atau menangguhkan layanan ADT di aplikasi mereka, sesuai keinginan mereka. Tidak ada panggilan telepon ke ADT yang diperlukan, juga tidak ada kontrak atau komitmen jangka panjang untuk konsumen. Dengan memanfaatkan lebih dari 143 tahun pengalaman, ADT memberikan konsumen kenyamanan untuk mengetahui orang-orang dan hal-hal yang paling mereka pedulikan terus berada dalam perlindungan keamanan, dengan teknologi terdepan dan pemantauan profesional 24 jam dan layanan pelanggan.

"Kami percaya setiap orang layak merasa aman, dan dengan peluncuran ini, kami benar-benar mendefinisikan ulang industri keamanan rumah," kata Jay Darfler, Wakil Presiden Senior, ADT Emerging Markets. "Lewat kemitraan dengan Samsung SmartThings, kami dapat memperluas layanan pemantauan profesional kami ke lebih banyak pelanggan yang mencari solusi keamanan smart home teraman dan terlindungi di pasar."

"Salah satu alasan utama pelanggan kami tertarik pada smart home adalah kemampuan untuk memantau dan mengamankan rumah mereka dengan mudah, namun keinginan dan kebutuhan mereka dapat sangat bervariasi," kata Mary Ortizcazarin, Vice President Smart Home di Best Buy. "Kemitraan Samsung SmartThings dan ADT yang baru memberi mereka fleksibilitas lebih dari sebelumnya untuk mengendalikan rumah mereka bagaimana, kapan dan di mana mereka mau."

ADT Home Security Starter Kit dijual dengan harga mulai $549.99 dan ADT Home Safety Expansion Pack dijual dengan harga mulai dari $199.99. Pemantauan bulanan tersedia mulai dari $14,99 untuk keselamatan hidup dan $ 24,99 untuk layanan keamanan.

Samsung Unveils ADT-Monitored DIY Security and Home Automation Solution Powered by SmartThings

Samsung, a global leader in home automation, and ADT LLC, the leading home and business security provider, together announce a new professionally monitored, self-installed life safety solution powered by the SmartThings platform. With the intelligence and connectivity of Samsung and the unmatched professional monitoring of ADT, the Samsung SmartThings ADT home security system is the safest, easiest, and most flexible DIY security and smart home solution available for families today.

Consisting of a Home Security Starter Kit and Home Safety Expansion Pack, the new solution from Samsung and ADT gives consumers the ability to create a safe and secure home and grow their connected home ecosystem as their needs evolve – all backed by ADT professional monitoring with no long-term contract. The product is available for pre-order starting today on and On October 29, the product will be available in Best Buy stores as well as, and

“We know from research that home security and safety are top reasons why consumers adopt smart home technology,” said Bill Lee, Vice President, Smart Home Product Marketing, Samsung Electronics America. “The collaboration with ADT enables us to connect our Samsung SmartThings ecosystem to the most trusted name in life safety so consumers have peace of mind knowing that someone is ready to react to an incident at home in just a moment’s notice.”

The basis for the new DIY system is the Home Security Starter Kit, which includes the Security Hub, two Door and Window Detectors, and Motion Detector. The system size can be expanded with additional sensors as needed, including fire, carbon monoxide and water detection with the addition of the Home Safety Expansion Pack. The ADT Security Hub touchscreen panel also works as a SmartThings Hub so users can control and monitor hundreds of third party smart devices, like door locks and doorbells, thermostats, lightbulbs and more – making it easy to customize endless combinations for home devices to work together, without needing additional hardware. From the Android- and iOS-compatible SmartThings mobile app, consumers can easily manage these devices and sensors, set up routines, and receive alerts based on their preferences, as well as check on the security of their home.

All of the security and life safety features can be backed by ADT professional monitoring. Consumers have the ability to sign up for or suspend ADT service on their app, at their convenience. No phone calls to ADT are necessary, nor are there any contracts or long-term commitments for the consumer. Leveraging over 143 years of experience, ADT provides consumers with the comfort of knowing the people and things that they care about most are protected, with cutting-edge technology and 24/7 professional monitoring and customer service.

“We believe everyone deserves to feel safe, and with this launch, we’re truly redefining the home security industry,” said Jay Darfler, Senior Vice President, ADT Emerging Markets. “By partnering with Samsung SmartThings, we’re able to expand our professional monitoring services to even more customers looking for the smartest and safest DIY home security solution on the market.”

“One of the top reasons our customers are interested in smart home is the ability to easily monitor and secure their homes, but their wants and needs can vary greatly,” said Mary Ortizcazarin, Vice President of Smart Home at Best Buy. “The new Samsung SmartThings and ADT partnership gives them more flexibility than ever to control their homes how, when and where they want to.”

Key Features
  • Do It Yourself (DIY) simplicity: Protect the family with a fast-response, easy-to-install home security system with built in Smart Home control functionality. The ADT Security Hub and wireless detectors and alarms help protect against intrusion, fire, carbon monoxide, and more.
  • Enjoy 24/7/365 peace of mind with optional ADT professional monitoring services: Flexible, low month-to-month fees and no long-term contracts that consumers can sign up for any time, via the mobile app.
  • Smart security: The brain of the smart home security system, the ADT Security Hub features a 7-inch touchscreen control panel with a built-in siren, battery and no-cost, cellular data backup, and dual encryption wireless technology.
  • Works as a SmartThings Hub—connect and manage the smart home, easily: The customizable, DIY security system connects with hundreds of compatible SmartThings devices to allow for one central control point. The touchscreen panel & mobile app let consumers control their system, even on the go, while monitoring and activating connected devices in your home.
  • A home that grows with you: Since the ADT Security Hub works as a SmartThings hub, consumers can add their favorite automation and smart devices, like lights, cameras, doorbells, door locks, thermostats, sensors, voice assistants, and more, right from the SmartThings mobile app

ADT customer Joseph Clem experienced the value of professional monitoring first-hand. “The carbon monoxide detector in the basement went off, and then ADT called to advise us that the fire department was on its way. We believe that without ADT and the fire department, we would’ve gone to bed not knowing there was carbon monoxide in our home and possibly not woken up.”

The ADT Home Security Starter Kit starts at $549.99 and ADT Home Safety Expansion Pack starts at $199.99. Monthly monitoring is available starting at $14.99 for life safety and $24.99 for security services.
