Hypaax rilis aplikasi enterprise TaskWatch untuk Samsung Gear S

Hipaax, penyedia teknologi, perangkat dan solusi software enterprise, hari ini mengumumkan bahwa mereka telah dipilih oleh Samsung Enterprise Alliance Program (SEAP) sebagai Silver Partner. Melalui kemitraan yang saling menguntungkan ini, Hipaax dan Samsung akan mempromosikan platform andalan Hipaax, TaskWatch, melalui jaringan global yang luas dari pelanggan, operator dan mitra saluran dari Samsung.

"Kemitraan dengan Samsung, produsen software dan hardware kelas dunia terkemuka, adalah pengakuan lain dari komitmen Hipaax untuk pertumbuhan arena solusi mobile enterprise," kata Bharat Saini, pendiri dan presiden di Hipaax. "Membuat platform TaskWatch tersedia melalui ekosistem Samsung untuk berbagai bisnis vertikal sangat kuat untuk Hipaax. Platform kami dimana pelanggan dapat mengkonfigurasi dengan perubahan kebutuhan alur kerja mereka akan memungkinkan perusahaan untuk memobilisasi tenaga kerja mereka terhubung seperti sebelumnya."

TaskWatch memberikan perbaikan alur kerja perusahaan melalui perangkat mobile wearable dan komputasi berbasis cloud. Secara khusus, TaskWatch memberikan prioritas tugas-kerja melalui proses yang bisa disesuaikan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas untuk rekan yang memiliki tanggung jawab pekerjaan utama yang memerlukan akses data hands-free dalam industri seperti ritel, perhotelan, kesehatan, pergudangan dan konstruksi, diantara lainnya.

"Ketika Hipaax pertama kali datang ke Kota Mason, kami segera mengenali potensi mereka yang luar biasa. Keberhasilan mereka yang terus-menerus, termasuk kemitraan baru ini dengan Samsung, adalah bukti bagaimana pertumbuhan perusahaan memiliki kapasitas untuk membuat kemajuan luar biasa dalam industri mereka ketika dilengkapi dengan infrastruktur dan sumber daya untuk membuat koneksi," kata Walikota Mason David F. Nichols. "Inovator seperti Hipaax adalah alasan utama mengapa kita memulai Mason Tech Center. Kami bangga menjadi bagian dari kisah sukses mereka."

Smartwatch-Based Workflow Provider Hipaax Announces Partnership with Samsung

Mason, Ohio, innovation company scales to global marketplace

MASON, Ohio--March 09, 2015--Hipaax, a provider of advanced technologies, devices and software solutions that enable enhanced collaboration and increased productivity for enterprises, announced today that it was selected by the Samsung Enterprise Alliance Program (SEAP) as a Silver Partner. Through this mutually beneficial partnership, Hipaax and Samsung will promote Hipaax’s flagship platform, TaskWatch, through Samsung’s extensive, global network of customers, carriers and channel partners.

“This partnership with Samsung, a leading world class software and hardware manufacturer, is another acknowledgement of Hipaax’s commitment to growth in the enterprise mobile solutions arena,” said Bharat Saini, founder and president at Hipaax. “Making the TaskWatch platform available through the Samsung ecosystem for various business verticals is very powerful for Hipaax. Our platform that customers can configure to their changing workflow needs will enable companies to mobilize their connected workforce like never before.”

TaskWatch provides enterprise workflow improvement through wearable mobile devices and cloud-based computing. Specifically, TaskWatch delivers prioritized work-tasks through a customizable process to enhance productivity for associates whose primary job responsibilities require hands-free access to data in industries such as retail, hospitality, healthcare, warehousing and construction, among others.

“When Hipaax first came to the City of Mason, we immediately recognized their tremendous potential. Their ongoing success, including this new partnership with Samsung, is a testament to how growth companies have the capacity to make extraordinary advances in their industry when provided with the infrastructure and resources to make connections,” said City of Mason Mayor David F. Nichols. “Innovators like Hipaax are exactly why we started the Mason Tech Center. We’re proud to be a part of their success story.”

About Hipaax

Hipaax is a technology innovator delivering mobility solutions from its facility in the Mason Tech Center in Mason, Ohio. Hipaax started with offerings in the healthcare space before introducing the TaskWatch mobility platform that has enterprise-wide applicability. For more information visit the company's website at www.hipaax.com

About Samsung Enterprise Alliance Program (SEAP)

Samsung Enterprise Alliance Program (SEAP) is Samsung Mobile’s official partnership program which is designed to build an enterprise mobility ecosystem targeted to leading independent software vendors and system integrators by providing unique benefits to partners and delivering differentiated solutions on Samsung mobile to customers. To discover more, please, visit the website, http://seap.samsung.com.
