Samsung mulai produksi massal DRAM mobile 8Gb LPDDR4 pertama di dunia yang lebih cepat dari memori PC dan server

Samsung Electronics hari ini mengumumkan bahwa mereka telah mulai memproduksi massal memori DRAM mobile 8 gigabit (Gb), low power double data rate 4 (LPDDR4) berbasis teknologi pemrosesan 20 nanometer (nm). Memori LPDDR adalah yang paling banyak digunakan sebagai "memori kerja" untuk perangkat mobile di seluruh dunia.

"Dengan memulai produksi 8Gb LPDDR4 20nm, yang bahkan lebih cepat dari DRAM untuk PC dan server dan mengkonsumsi lebih sedikit energi, kita berkontribusi pada waktu peluncuran UHD, perangkat mobile unggulan berlayar lebar," kata Choi Joo-sun, Wakil Presiden Eksekutif untuk Penjualan dan Pemasaran Memori di Samsung Electronics. "Melalui kemajuan besar yang ditunjukkan di memori mobile ini, kami akan terus bekerja sama secara erat dengan produsen perangkat mobile global untuk mengoptimalkan solusi DRAM, membuatnya cocok untuk lingkungan OS mobile generasi berikutnya."

DRAM 8Gb LPDDR4 20nm baru menawarkan dua kali kinerja dan kepadatan dibandingkan dengan DRAM 4Gb LPDDR3 yang didasarkan pada teknologi pemrosesan kelas 20nm. Chip 8Gb LPDDR4 baru memungkinkan 4 gigabyte (GB) paket LPDDR4 yang akan dibuat.

Berkat I/O data rate hingga 3.200 megabit per detik (Mbps), yang dua kali lebih cepat dari DRAM DDR3 biasa yang digunakan di PC, DRAM mobile 8Gb LPDDR4 baru ini dapat mendukung perekaman video UHD dan playback dan pengambilan gambar secara terus menerus dari gambar beresolusi tinggi yang lebih dari 20 megapixel.

Sementara tegangan operasional chip memori mobile LPDDR4 ini telah dikurangi menjadi 1.1V dari chip memori LPDDR3, yang membuat chip memori terbaru buatan Samsung ini memiliki solusi memori daya terendah yang tersedia untuk smartphone layar besar dan tablet, dan sistem jaringan berkinerja tinggi. Dengan mengadopsi teknologi terbaru low-voltage swing-terminated logic (LVSTL) milik Samsung untuk sinyal I/O, akan semakin mengurangi konsumsi daya chip LPDDR4 baru ini sementara memungkinkan operasional frekuensi tinggi pada tegangan rendah untuk efisiensi daya yang optimal.

Samsung mulai menyediakan paket DRAM LPDDR4 2GB dan DRAM LPDDR4 3GB bulan ini, berdasarkan die masing-masing 8Gb dan 6Gb LPDDR4, untuk mendukung vendor prosesor aplikasi global dan produsen perangkat mobile, dan akan menyediakan paket LPDDR4 4GB pada awal 2015.

Samsung Electronics Starts Mass Production of Industry’s First 8 Gigabit LPDDR4 Mobile DRAM

Samsung pioneers the next generation of ultra-fast, high density mobile memory technology, opening the door to the era of 4GB mobile DRAM for a new level of mobile responsiveness

SEOUL, South Korea--(TIZEN INDONESIA)--Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., the world leader in advanced memory technology, announced today that it has started mass producing the industry’s first 8 gigabit (Gb), low power double data rate 4 (LPDDR4) mobile DRAM based on the company’s leading-edge 20-nanometer (nm) process technology. LPDDR memories are the most widely used “working memory” for mobile devices worldwide.

“By initiating production of 20nm 8Gb LPDDR4, which is even faster than the DRAM for PCs and servers and consumes much less energy, we are contributing to the timely launch of UHD, large-screen flagship mobile devices,” said Joo Sun Choi, Executive Vice President of Memory Sales and Marketing at Samsung Electronics. “As this major advancement in mobile memory demonstrates, we will continue to closely collaborate with global mobile device manufacturers to optimize DRAM solutions, making them suitable for next-generation mobile OS environments.”

The new 20nm 8Gb LPDDR4 offers twice the performance and density compared to 4Gb LPDDR3 which was based on 20nm-class* process technology. The new 8Gb LPDDR4 chip allows a 4 gigabyte (GB) LPDDR4 package to be created.

Samsung’s 4GB LPDDR4 package was chosen as an Honoree of the 2015 CES Innovation Awards in the Embedded Technologies category. In winning this award, Samsung became the only company that has won CES Innovation Awards for three consecutive years with its mobile DRAM solutions, as the company’s 2GB LPDDR3 and 3GB LPDDR3 were honored in 2013 and 2014, respectively.

Due to an I/O data rate of up to 3,200 megabits per second (Mbps), which is two times faster than a typical DDR3 DRAM used in PCs, the new 8Gb LPDDR4 can support UHD video recording and playback and continuous shooting of high-resolution images with over 20 megapixels.

The LPDDR4 mobile memory chip’s operating voltage was reduced to 1.1V from that of LPDDR3 memory chips, which makes the new Samsung chip the lowest power memory solution available for large-screen smartphones and tablets, and high-performance network systems. For example, in case of a 2GB package, an 8Gb LPDDR4-based 2GB package can save up to 40 percent of power compared to a 4Gb LPDDR3-based 2GB package, due to low operating voltages and faster processing.

By adopting new proprietary low-voltage swing-terminated logic (LVSTL) for its I/O signaling, Samsung has also further reduced the new LPDDR4 chip’s power consumption while enabling high-frequency operations at low voltages for optimal power efficiency.

Samsung started providing 2GB LPDDR4 and 3GB LPDDR4 DRAM packages this month based on 8Gb and 6Gb LPDDR4 dies, respectively, in support of global application processor vendors and mobile device manufacturers, and will provide 4GB LPDDR4 packages in early 2015.

Samsung expects to rapidly increase the production volume of its 20nm DRAM line-ups, including the new 8Gb LPDDR4 mobile DRAM and the recently introduced 8Gb DDR4 DRAM for servers, in order to better meet customer needs, while accelerating the growth rate of the high density DRAM market.

* Editors’ Note: 20nm-class is a process technology node somewhere between 20nm and 30nm.
